I Have Kitchen Bettas

You've got kitchen bettas too, chatterbox? I'd love to see 'em. :wub: The hottest room in our house is actually the computer room, but the kitchen is a very close second...I barely even need heaters. :p
That Seems like a wonderfull case Of "Kitchen Betta", I Have a wonderfull case of Betta infestation in my bedroom!
Oh I can't wait till they start infesting the bedroom. I've got one in there at the moment, but I just know that they will be multiplying...hope my boyfriend dosen't mind sleeping with the fishes! :hyper: :lol: Ok, sorry, bad joke. :fun: :rolleyes:
Those are awesome bettas! I like the purple blue one. I wish my mom would let me have a bad case a betta infestation, but I currently have no bettas, :-( I'm getting one soon though. :D
lol! Believe me, you start with one, and they just seem to multiply before your very eyes. I've got 10 total now, one in each of my 6 community tanks, and two each in my two divided tanks. I think I'm gonna have to start builing a shelf for the little guys. I'm running out of table space. :p :rolleyes:
would show mine.but i dont have an digital camera.but im gonna ask 4 one @ christmas time.plus in the kitchen its near 2 the sink.so i can clean it
can we have some pics od your other fishies?
Other pics of mine? :huh: Sure, I'd love to show you. :nod: Which ones do you want pictures of? My fish list is in my profile...I'll take special pics just for you dwarfs. :nod: :wub:

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