Bettas Eh?
Heya All,
As you may be aware im currently trying to get some good spawns going on my bettas and here is my drawers (where my clothes are stored) and it has been overtaken by bettas! oh and some baby platies
I have 6-7 bottles on there a;long with a bowl, and a big jug for bettas in and alos the tub of flakes and the little cup of the left has some defrosted bloodworm and brineshrimp in. Let the conditioning begin
P.S - I have another 52 bottles ready for bettas when i have spawned
As you may be aware im currently trying to get some good spawns going on my bettas and here is my drawers (where my clothes are stored) and it has been overtaken by bettas! oh and some baby platies
I have 6-7 bottles on there a;long with a bowl, and a big jug for bettas in and alos the tub of flakes and the little cup of the left has some defrosted bloodworm and brineshrimp in. Let the conditioning begin
P.S - I have another 52 bottles ready for bettas when i have spawned