I Have Joined The Cory Club!


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2011
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Ramsgate, Kent, UK. Big up the Kent massive! :)

was thinking I needed some corys. I had my heart set on some pandas. Went yesterday to look at my my local MA, with the intention of JUST HAVING A LOOK....

The pandas were £18 for 3 (compared to another shop locally that does them for £2.99 each - but never have any in suprise suprise) but they only had 4 anyway.

Well, I saw these guys, and kinda fell in love :wub: There were about 30 in the tank, all pretty stunned I think from a non stop train of people gawking at them, they had a little spattering of sand on which they were all crowded on, generally looking a bit miserable :grr:

Being a big softie, I fell for them. I was a little bit dubious of their activity levels, but everything I have read about says generally they are highly active etc...

Anyway, £25 later I was the proud owner of 6 Agassizii's. I got them home and did all the neseccary introductions to the tank etc...and after a hour or so, released them.

I didnt see them again! I felt so sorry for them, they were obviously not very happy after being in the fish shop.

Today is a different story! They are all over the place, darting about. They are so adorable. When one gets left behind in the group, they turn around and go find him! Gave them some broccoli, and that cheered them up quite a bit!

They are still skittish, and dont like me going up to the tank, but that will get better in time I guess. Because of this, I have found it very hard to get a pic...this was the best one I could get! Ill try and get some better ones in the next few days. At least I got them all together.

Ignore the little bit of cra* on the floor... :)


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Congratulations! I'm so jealous ... I need to get my numbers back up. Good job!
They will nearly always "scatter" to the back of the tank if they see sudden movement around them. They are defensive / shy fish, which is why we always say keep a good number of them to help calm them down quick if they do get spooked.

Corys are very entertaining, especially early morning around dawn, thats when most of mine are active and all over the tank playing or looking for food :)

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