I have heat.

Alice B

Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2022
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Electric heat. I didn't end up replacing the HVAC system, wasn't thrilled with first 2 bids, my credit is pretty strapped, work is slow, and the 3rd guy's bid was much higher than the other 2 so I thanked him for his time, and he said you know I can probably fix your heater. One clip on a slightly insulation melted wire - the reason I shut system down in 2018 and wrote off as hopeless. I still will need an AC and if I can't find an R22 old style, I'll need a whole system but it can wait until money is coming in the door in the spring.
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Have a high in teens on monday. I am not quite up to fighting the woodstove to try to keep from freezing. It's ok for supplemental in that level of cold, or backup in case the Texas grid fails again.
You can have some of our heat, it's been mid 30s Celsius the last few weeks and gonna be 40C this weekend.
Good to know, cold forecast (for us in SE Texas) coming up...it's going to be even colder where @Alice B lives further north
I got the bill for the electric heat. I'm running the woodstove tonight. Looks like it won't be too many more nights I need a fire.

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