I have had a WEEK with my snails


Fish Addict
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jul 23, 2021
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I dunno why but I am having a time with my snails. Why this week in particular? I have honestly no idea.

First, I woke up and went to feed my children, only to see a snail on the OUTSIDE glass of my aquarium. Which hey nbd I put him back.

And then the next day I found a snail that had gotten itself stuck. Some context: I keep a mesh over my hang on filters little arms to prevent fry from being sucked up, and somehow one of my snails for inside the mesh. Squished between the filter arm and the mesh and was basically going in circles trying to find the exit. I let him out and went on with my day.

Then I go downstairs in the kitchen where I keep my young fry tanks / QT tanks, and I find one of my assassin snails on the counter a healthy distance away from his tank. It was a very ???? Moment. Well I put him back.

And then, this is more my fault, but just to add on my snail difficulties this week. I started shuffling around my snails to a tank that needed more because it had a bit of an algae bloom. And so I picked one up, in a loose open palm kind of thing to avoid squishing him, and my elbow crashes into the wall and I didn’t have time to curse at hitting my funny bone because the snail was AIRBORN. And I scrambled to catch him before he hit the floor, only for me to accidentally smack (he bounced off my hand) him farther up into the air. And I’m a bit ashamed to say, it happened a couple times in a weird messed up hot potato game before I finally caught him. At least. He didn’t land on the floor. He’s been racing around his new tank though so I hope he’s okay.

And then this morning. I was chilling in bed a bit late, when my dog trots by looking very much like she’s holding something in her mouth that she should not be holding. She has that mischievous face. So I go to her and pry open her mouth and *plop* y’all guessed it…. She was holding a snail. I have no idea where it came from or where she got it. And I think my brain just bluescreened. The poor shell has teeth marks in it but it’s not crushed. I put him back in a tank and he took off pretty immediately. So I really hope he’s okay.


I feel like I should mention that all of these snail misadventures happened in different tanks with what I thought were fitted lids with the main gap being where the space is for the filter…but all within the same week. And I am tired. I don’t know why my snails suddenly strove for freedom.
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That’s so weird! From my time watching National Geographic I would say something triggered them to leave their homes, but that’s for things like open water fish or birds. Perhaps your parameters?
That’s what I was wondering! Only one tank had a highish ammonia reading and it was one of the few tanks that didn’t have a snail escape artist. I did water changes all around though anyway and my fish all look fine. The first escapee snail was on my 29 gallon, the assassin snail from a pond snail infested 3 gallon, and I think the snail my dog got came from my 20 gallon which is closest to the floor. It was just one snail per tank too. The rest of the snails and all the fish looked fine. The trapped one was in a 10 gallon and the one I accidentally played hot potato with was from the 29 gallon. I’ve never had a snail successfully leave the tanks before. And yet three within the span of a week.
Many creatures will leave home if/when conditions are not good. In doing research on Mystery Snails, a fellow on Youtube with a tank full said they would leave the tank in search of food if he didn't add a whole can of green beans every day! So whether it's water quality or not enough food, snails will migrate in hopes of a better life. :)
Maybe it’s food… there are a couple tanks that are practically spotless from algae, the 20 gallon being one of them.

The 29 gallon doesn’t have any thick patches of algae but it always looks fuzzy. Like there’s a thin layer over everything. There’s 8 snails in that tank and it’s still not the cleanest and one of the snails tried to escape there. I just put them back in.

My 10 gallon birthing tank has a LOT despite getting the least amount of indirect sun and I put the hot potato snail and the one that was picked up by my dog in there.

What could I put in there specifically to feed the snails? Someone once recommended I use lettuce to help clear out pest snails. Would my nirate snails like that?
Try blanched veggies....cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash...many fish will enjoy these, as well

"highish ammonia reading" concerns me though, with any fish tank...snails or not...unless it's cycling with no fish ;)
Try blanched veggies....cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash...many fish will enjoy these, as well

"highish ammonia reading" concerns me though, with any fish tank...snails or not...unless it's cycling with no fish ;)
Okay! Yeah the ammonia reading concerned me too which is why I’ve gone a couple water changes on that tank already. I thought the tank was cycled… so that’s on me. Glad I found out before it hurt the fish too bad.
Okay! Yeah the ammonia reading concerned me too which is why I’ve gone a couple water changes on that tank already. I thought the tank was cycled… so that’s on me. Glad I found out before it hurt the fish too bad.
The snails have obviously had enough of being terrorised by the dog and were making a break for it....or...The Great (Snail) Escape.... :p


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