I Have Fry!

So I'm guessing that if I were to attempt an F2 cross, I could get 25% that look like the dad? Is that correct?
In terms of colour? Not necessarily. Bettas have different layers of pigmentation and different genes control these, so it's not quite so simple...

I just fed my fry BBS for the first time today. They're goin crazy over them! Also, I can finally see tiny pectoral fins on the fry!!! I've noticed that half of the fry seem to be alot smaller than the other half. Should I be concerned? I noticed alot of the smaller ones only when they came out of hiding to eat the BBS.
It's normal to have different growth rates among the fry :)
The fry are about 3.5 weeks old and starting to show some color. Looks like I'm getting three types: Red, black and light. Is it normal to start seeing colors at this stage or is this wishful thinking :)
Its so cute watching them attack bbs isn't it :D

Exciting when the colours start to come in, can't wait to see pics!
Well the fry are about a month old now and they're definitely starting to show some red. A few have some red with a slight black wash. Fo far i've been feeding them Microworms, Baby Brine Shrimp and Atison's Betta Starter. No sight of ventrals yet.

I tried to take some pics but they all came out blurry. I'll try again soon.
Finally - Pics!!!



I have more pics but all of a sudden my USB port is malfunctioning :(

My 3 largest fry have died! I think it's cuz I was stuck at work today for 13 hrs and didn't get back home to feed them :( Anyone else have any other ideas?

Update: Now it's four :(
hey. somehow i doubt that 13 hours with no food is causing them to die. I usually go 12 or more hours without feeding overnight depending on when I remember to feed them at night, and when I wake up.

Maybe do a large water change. I wouldn't know if it's safe to medicate the fry at all (i've had guppy fry die soon after medicating a few times). hopefully no more die!

Here's a photo of one of the juvies that I gave to my boss. The mother's colors seem to be dominant :( My boss's 4 yr old son named the fish Flounder. I will post other pics soon!

Having some trouble sexing them. Any tips? I haven't seen any white spots, and fin length all appears to be about the same. No bubble nests yet either.


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