I have fry in my tank but who do they belong to?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2005
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I have 4 flame tetras, 5 neon tetras and 2 mollys and 2 guppies....

I have recently around 2 days ago discovered that I have fry. :)

I can only see around 4 but they are fry. But I don't no who they belong to?
They look like one of my yellow guppies they are yellow and there eyes are the same, but my guppies 2 of them I think are both female and I have had my guppies for a few months now..... My guppies also don't look like they are mating.. but all my other species do... I think both my mollys are male but they still look lke they are mating... (following each other around the tank) :eek:

So could my guppies have mated or could my guppie been pregnant when I had gotten her.... Or are they another species? :/
Most probably guppies - the females can hold the male sperm for a couple of months.
Hi thanks for the quick response! :)

Ya... thats what I thought.... Its just I looked for the black spot and I didn't see it... or maybe I am looking at the wrong space?!?! :unsure:
Mollies or Guppies. I sincerely doubt either of the other two species.

Look closely at your Mollies and Guppies. Did any of them seem to get really skinny all of a sudden? If so, that's probably your mother, right there.
no they look the same.. and i think my mollys are both male... but they look like they are mating... considering they are chasing eash other around the tanmk and rubbing against each other... while my guppies... look like women... but they look the same...

but i heard that they can keep producing eggs for a few months after being fetilised.. is this true? If so my 2 guppies might be pregnant still with another lot of fry.
Yeah, the females can carry sperm packets within their own bodies to fertilize themselves after being inseminated with those sperm packets by a male. They can birth 6 or so batches of fry without any further contact with a male of their species.

But the females will be incredibly skinny after birthing, compared to the blimps they are before.

It makes sense... Its just they are not skinny!!! Im really confused! I don't no where my fry are coming from! lol HELP MEEE!
When they mature, you'll know what species they are. :)

Seriously, though, if both of your Mollies are male, then they have to be Guppy fry. Any chance you could give us a picture? We'd probably be able to tell you.

Also, it's easy to sex livebearers. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=46309 That should help you figure it out. I know it's for Platies, but all livebearers can be sexed this way.

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