I Have Eggs

You'll actually find that jars work just aswell and are alot cheaper to setup. Lol but once you get a big load of them ( 80+ ) you will not what I mean by think ahead :p
I only have a small clutch of eggs that I can see approx between 20-50 its a bit hard to count them! But yeah I know what you mean bout the numbers lol......... I actually don't think they had finished spawning as she was still about in the open and had her head pointing down but when she got close the male flared at her and chased her away so didnt want to risk either of them getting hurt! I think I've been pretty lucky with them really as there was only minimal damage to each of them!

I think it was love at first sight though as she wouldnt stay contained whilst I was trying to condition them (see previous post is it a problem)
Ok so got home eggs still not hatched but my male is still picking them up and placing them in the nest so I presume that they are fertile! The white inside has doubled compared to what was there this morning! I think they might be developing slow due to it being 24/25ºc! He def has perked up since this morning when I last checked on him!
Dw they should be free swimming any day or hour now so just remember to keep a close eye on them cause the male is gonna be hungry and fry is a meal to him.
I keep checking but they are def still eggs at the mo! Unfortunately I dont know what time they were laid as it happened whilst I was at work! As you can tell I'm not very patient when something like this happens! :hey:
I would say 99% of people who own fish get excited when they mate. I know I did it was a very good moment seeing all the eggs up in the bubble nest.

Just replied to your post in livebearers it does sound like a fungus.
Yeah it is pretty exciting esp with it being my first time with a betta along with being an egg layer instead of being a livebearer which just gets on with it without much help!
Yes I know what you mean I started off with guppies you barely had to do any work but when you come to egglayers if you dont do something rite you could lose eggs or fry.
Sorry if you've already clarified this, but do you have cultures/BBS to feed the fry? It will be a neccesity once they're free-swimming.

Also, I would not recommend dividing the fry tank and keeping the male on the other side. I could just imagine the little tinsey fry squeezing through the divider and turning into a snack for Dad! -_- You should just keep him in a clean jar in a warm area when the fry are free-swimming, until you can get him a tank.
Yeah I've got microworms culturing as we speak!

I saw a couple of fry this morning, but I'm concerned as he has moved his nest from under the cup to being next to a leaf but there are still bubbles stuck to the glass and I saw something wriggling in it! Also there was what I presume a fry hanging under the cup where his nest was it looked like an egg with a tail! I'm wondering if when I get home should I put these in what used to be my aqua babies tank and leave it in the tank (with lid on) I don't want to risk loosing any of the few fry that there might be as I couldnt see many of the eggs/fry this morning! Then I can just leave the dad in his tank and can raise the couple of fry temporarily in this cube! It's about the size of a jar they keep the bettas in at the pet shop! I will have a 2ft tank cycling come the weekend so will be able to grow them on in there after it has cycled!

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