Yeah I've got microworms culturing as we speak!
I saw a couple of fry this morning, but I'm concerned as he has moved his nest from under the cup to being next to a leaf but there are still bubbles stuck to the glass and I saw something wriggling in it! Also there was what I presume a fry hanging under the cup where his nest was it looked like an egg with a tail! I'm wondering if when I get home should I put these in what used to be my aqua babies tank and leave it in the tank (with lid on) I don't want to risk loosing any of the few fry that there might be as I couldnt see many of the eggs/fry this morning! Then I can just leave the dad in his tank and can raise the couple of fry temporarily in this cube! It's about the size of a jar they keep the bettas in at the pet shop! I will have a 2ft tank cycling come the weekend so will be able to grow them on in there after it has cycled!