betta fish
Fish Herder
Hi, sorry to hear this, heat is the best thing and salt to get rid of it, or heat alone, I have had to a few times and cleared it right up with this method, though I have heard of ich strains that are hardier than others when succumbing to heat.
I'm a little worried about the amount of fish you have in the 40L, I can see what you have in your signature and then you mention the pleco may have introduced it, do you know what type? even a bristlenose which is small as an adult will be too big for a 40L once fully grown : (
I'm a little worried about the amount of fish you have in the 40L, I can see what you have in your signature and then you mention the pleco may have introduced it, do you know what type? even a bristlenose which is small as an adult will be too big for a 40L once fully grown : (