Fish Gatherer
So yesterday i went to a local lfs for some live food for both community tanks, and happened to find some bettas, in okay condition but looking pretty sad. After much debating with myself i decided to take three for an empty divided tank, (it is 12 gallon tall split into 3)
None of them are particulally special, and i was supposed to be waiting to get some from the betta lady in the next few weeks, however I am not wanting to breed until next year anyway so no rush i suppose.
The first is a large deep red male VT, with clear fins and blue streaks running through them.
The second is a dark yellow/ bronze/black VT who will not stop attacking anything in sight.
And the third is a plain red/blue VT with white streaks running through his fins, but he was so quiet and he is pretty when he flares.
I promised myself no more VTS too
Anyway the yellow has a large split in his tail fin, what do you use to treat them as i havn't found anything amazing for it yet, melafix?
Also they will not stop flaring at eachother, despite the divider being faded they must be able to see eachothers reflections/shape of the other fish. Will heavily planting make them feel any better, or is it mainly due to them being unsettled therfore are flaring at everything? My other bettas tend to egnore eachother through the divider
I will never step into a lfs again