I have babies in a cycling tank! HELP!


New Member
Aug 13, 2003
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:eek: The Platy i was worried about gave birth today I've counted about 7 babies. I found my second neon dead and now the mother and the glowlight tetra show signs of ick. I put them in a second tank and gave them ick medicine. My second platy is starting to act the way the first one did about two days before she gave birth. The ammonia levels are dropping and the nitrite levels are climbing. I did get some gravel from a tank that has recently cycled and added it to my filter. I hope that helps, but I'm really not that hopeful on the survival of the babies. Is there anything else I can do? :/
:( the two with ick just died. i really hate this cycling stuff. I wish I had learned about fishless cycling before i ever started this whole mess. i'm ready to give up and toss the whole thing.
Not a good attitude. We all make the SAME mistake and it happens to the best of us. You just need to be more paitent with the cycling and give it time to complete and add the fish in. Add two at a time. Also any trouble you are having, we are all here to help you. If you got a question, ask away. Don't feel bad just because two of your fish died. It sucks, I know, but it doesn't have to be the end of your fishkeeping hobby.
I think everyone here will agree with me on this one. First thing you have to do if you want to save your fish is do a 10 percent water change daily this will prolong your cycle but it will save your fish in the meantime. do not treat those babies with any medicine it will more than likely kill them. if you have to find something to put them in until you treat your tank for the ich problem that you have. Did you make sure that the ich medicine that you were using was for scaless fish that could be what happen to your tetras. Please dont give up on fish keeping because you lose 2 fish you have to start somewhere. These people here on this forum are great they will answer every question that you will need to be asking. good luck with your cycling.
linda4623, don't worry. I lost my whole first tank in about a week in a half because I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. All of us lost fish from the beginning unless we had someone there who could teach us.

You have a long way to go to mess up as bad as I did, so hang in there. :)
we have all lost fish i lost 6 in in 2 days cause i forgot to check my ph and it was off the reader. so just hang in there
:nod: Thanks for the encouragement, but it's not just two fish; I already lost several on a first tank from overloading. Now this time I tried to stick to the book I had, and still they're dying. The other adult platy that was in isolation died this morning. I hate to even think what that brings the total up to now. My tank now consists of a pleco, a ghost shrimp, and approx 7 fry platies. I tried to feed them ground flakes as was suggested; however, the flakes usually were ignored. Since I didn't want to build up any more problems then necessary with cycling, I tried placing a piece of algea tablet near where the fry were in a seashell. They loved it. It also makes it fun to watch them eat, and I can tell if it has been eaten instead of just getting mixed into the gravel. This also helps since I have two bottom feeders in the tank with them. What the fry don't eat the other two do. So far none of the fry are MIA, hopefully since the ammonia is back to zero and the nitrate levels are starting to vary maybe they will have a chance. I really wish that LFS gave information about fishless cycling, so that newbies like me knew about it before starting.
Thats a good idea, about the algae tablet! I'll have to try it... although my molly fry do eat their ground tropical flakes :thumbs:
Hang in there, with your fishes... you'll get it! :fun:

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