I have a Unbelievable problem!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2004
Reaction score
Arizona USA
So here is what I have.

55 gallon 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 20 nitrate.
I do water chagnes very frequently (1 per week sometimes 2)

This tank is filtered by a Ehiem 2200 ( I am not sure at the moment but its made for a 125 gallon tank.) and a Magnum 350 with a BIO wheel 60 pro attached to it.

now for my stock

4 labidochromis caeruleus
3 labidochromis pearlmutt
3 pseudotropheus scolofi (albino)
3 pseudotropheus demasoni
1 pseudotropheus Zebra (red)
1 synodontis Eupterus
1 synodontis LACE (?) saved this one from a petco that was killing it.

The largest of these is about 2.5 inches. They get along great.

Now, My problem is I used river rock (boiled) for the rock work in the tank the fish love it, but it's not a uniform color. What I want to do is grow green algea on the rocks.

So I do all the things your not supposed to do to prevent algea growth. Unfortunately I have only ended up a small about of brown algea!

Anyone have any ideas.
it usually does only go brown at first in a new set up.. it will soon turn to green algae if you leave the lights on a lot longer (i assume thats what you are doing)

not unbelievable at all....i have done it loads of times

Find yourself an unused bucket, place some rock's in there with some of your tanks' water, and place in direct sunlight for about a week. You should then have some nice algae growing. If you're really lucky, you might also have some mosquito larvae to feed your fishes with (depending on what season you're in).
Thanks guys.

The rock out in the sun is a good idea. I leave the ligts on for about 12 hours a day.

The brown algea is on the glass mostly and I scrap it off weekly.

The tank has been up and running for about 4 months thought I'd see some "green" by now.

This is the first forum that didn't think I was retarded for wanting Algea!
I am having that same problem trying to grow algea... and most people complain about algea LOL... but just watch you tank inhabitants because the bigger they get the more aggression you will have especiallllly if you have only 1 fish thats a female.. the males will go nuts...Just have a back up tank or two set aside for healing the battle scars... especially with that demon in there..LOL I know they have a bad rap... but with 3 in a 55 just keep a sharp eye and a net ready.. 8)
I never thought I will have algae problem - but the recent problem I'm having beats everything I've seen so far!

I recently added a bristlenose pleco into the mbuna tank and increased lighting time thinking I can provide more algae to grow in. After about 2 weeks, the whole water turned green! I am in the middle of small daily water change and turned off the light except during feeding time. You should see the water - it is completely green... ;) I cannot even see the heater at the back of the tank as the visibility is really poor.

Fishes are healthy though...
Well my stock levels are high enough agression really won't be a problem.

All my fish are female with the exception of of the Labidochromis caeruleus, and possibly the psuedotropheus zebra( Ill have to wait a while longer to see if it changes colors). The desmasoni really haven't put on much of a show.
The most active aggression wise, are one of the large psuedothropheus scolofi and one of the large Labidochromis caeruleus. Any way I have a second 30 galloen tank incase fo fighting.

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