I Have A New Cat


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
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Ok we got a new cat that we found near the shops near a take-away she is white with pure blue eyes we took her in and we are looking after her if she has a owner who wants her back we will give her back but she is very skinny and when we found her she was running away from everyone she could see we think she is a stray because when we sore she was all dirty please don't have a go at me we are just saving a cats life.

:devil: Vampire-Queen
i think you did the right thing. the owner ( if there is one ) obviously doesnt look after it well. why would you think someone would have ago at you?
i have a cat who comes to my door every morning, her name is titch.a neighbor actually owns her but wont let her in the house, doent feed her etc so basically abandoned her.i feed her every morning and every night, ive made her a bed but she still sleeps under my car. :lol: ifi ever go out, she comes running to my car when i come back, she is a very affectionate cat!
well my neighbor says she has seen the cat every morning for three weeks and we are keeping her because my neighbor said she got kicked out :-( so we are keeping her and her name is Yuki it is Japanese for lucky and snow we got the name from The Cat Return.

:devil: Vampire-Queen
good on you but remember you never own
a cat a cat owns you my mam used to say if you
want it to stay you have to butter its feet
that it know were its better off
Ok i will try to get a photo but i will wait abit cause she is still getting settled down here and she might not let me take a picture caue she is still hissing at our other cats.

:devil: Vampire-Queen

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