I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

Way to go scaring another person from keeping fish or visiting this forum.
I think he/she got it after the first person that drilled it into them... you don't need 15 people to tell you that you're wrong when you KNOW you are.. You guys really think that a bunch of people saying the same thing over and over will change their mind?? You all know that if they made their mind up to doing what they want they will stick to it...... It does NOT matter how many times they hear.. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG

To be honest, I thought we all replied calmly, rationally, and for the most part courteously. We are not just copying and pasting the same thing, we each add our own opinion and knowledge....

Mr. Niceguy gave a fantastic summary of why they wouldn't work
I assisted and build up upon what he had wrote, including adding a knowledge base of the aquatic frogs which few people have on this forum
Katty aided with pictures to help the OP get a visual scale of why her tank cannot work
Didz added great info, including what the OP needed to buy for a happy tank, how to test
spectrum and biffster backed us up - - -

it is much easier to see truth when multiple people who have nothing to gain from a situation all try and advise - an LFS gets money every time someone "makes a mistake" - they sell fish A - fish A is unsuitable, person returns fish A for partial credit, buys fish B - fish B is unsuitable, person returns fish B for partial credit - - and so on. see how quickly money ends up being spent by the tank owner? The LFS has nothing to lose and money to gain by giving poor advice and then shaking it off as mistakes made by the tank owner - over feeding, bad water quality, insufficient filter, bad luck, poor fish temperament -

repetition is done because we are all passionate about this hobby and we know that a sensible person will see that we give advice purely for the benefit of the fish - - we have absolutely nothing to gain by telling her to upgrade - none of us will make any money, and are in fact INVESTING our spare time in trying to help this person.

So its not so much drilling - - its passionately informing :lol:
Way to go scaring another person from keeping fish or visiting this forum.
I think he/she got it after the first person that drilled it into them... you don't need 15 people to tell you that you're wrong when you KNOW you are.. You guys really think that a bunch of people saying the same thing over and over will change their mind?? You all know that if they made their mind up to doing what they want they will stick to it...... It does NOT matter how many times they hear.. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG

And of course, shouting at the very people who are trying to help is a brilliant way to go.
Everyone has added their own piece of info, I found the pictures myself quite incredible, especially the clown loach.

The topic creator can either heed our advice or ignore it, plain and simple. He came here in search of answers and he has now found them, whether or not he chooses to act on them is a completely different matter, however, the more people that say the same thing, the more the answer seems credible.

Also, as a side note, I don't see you adding anything constructive to the conversation..

On topic:
As already said countless times, those fish will not live together happily, either one way or another. Best thing to do (in my opinion) is rehome them all and start again, this time picking an area of fish to specialise in, E.g, Livebearers (guppies and what not) or even something like Temperate fish, which don't need a heater, but aren't goldfish.

I sincerely hope you do act though, as making those fish suffer is completely unfair.
Way to go scaring another person from keeping fish or visiting this forum.
I think he/she got it after the first person that drilled it into them... you don't need 15 people to tell you that you're wrong when you KNOW you are.. You guys really think that a bunch of people saying the same thing over and over will change their mind?? You all know that if they made their mind up to doing what they want they will stick to it...... It does NOT matter how many times they hear.. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG

And of course, shouting at the very people who are trying to help is a brilliant way to go.
Everyone has added their own piece of info, I found the pictures myself quite incredible, especially the clown loach.

As already said countless times, those fish will not live together happily, either one way or another. Best thing to do (in my opinion) is rehome them all and start again, this time picking an area of fish to specialise in, E.g, Livebearers (guppies and what not) or even something like Temperate fish, which don't need a heater, but aren't goldfish.

I sincerely hope you do act though, as making those fish suffer is completely unfair.

I don't see YOU adding anything constructive to the conversation, all you did is say the same things 5 other people did. And where did you get the idea I am yelling?? I never said stop, I never said you guys are wrong its just that when I read it I basically see the same comments.
You don't have to listen to this polak, just wanted to tell you guys that it seems very repetitive.
Way to go scaring another person from keeping fish or visiting this forum.
I think he/she got it after the first person that drilled it into them... you don't need 15 people to tell you that you're wrong when you KNOW you are.. You guys really think that a bunch of people saying the same thing over and over will change their mind?? You all know that if they made their mind up to doing what they want they will stick to it...... It does NOT matter how many times they hear.. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG

And of course, shouting at the very people who are trying to help is a brilliant way to go.
Everyone has added their own piece of info, I found the pictures myself quite incredible, especially the clown loach.

As already said countless times, those fish will not live together happily, either one way or another. Best thing to do (in my opinion) is rehome them all and start again, this time picking an area of fish to specialise in, E.g, Livebearers (guppies and what not) or even something like Temperate fish, which don't need a heater, but aren't goldfish.

I sincerely hope you do act though, as making those fish suffer is completely unfair.

I don't see YOU adding anything constructive to the conversation, all you did is say the same things 5 other people did. And where did you get the idea I am yelling?? I never said stop, I never said you guys are wrong its just that when I read it I basically see the same comments.
You don't have to listen to this polak, just wanted to tell you guys that it seems very repetitive.

Actually, I recommended some easy to fish keep that are quite colourful and interesting, should the topic creator wish to start again. Yes we realise that we are all being repetitive, but that's how people get things across, as I said earlier, 1 crackpot shouting one thing is not helpful, where as lots of crackpots all shouting the same thing, it gets rather persuasive.
1 crackpot shouting one thing is not helpful, where as lots of crackpots all shouting the same thing, it gets rather persuasive.

LMFAO!! :rofl:
TOUCHE... But I am not shouting, just simply commenting that I am seeing the same over and over.......

P.S. Totally off topic and off topic of this little conversation we are having, but I always see tons of people recommending Harlequins...... Then I googled Harlequins and almost threw up-- scared my dang pants off!!!!!
Try it... just harlequins
Way to go scaring another person from keeping fish or visiting this forum.
I think he/she got it after the first person that drilled it into them... you don't need 15 people to tell you that you're wrong when you KNOW you are.. You guys really think that a bunch of people saying the same thing over and over will change their mind?? You all know that if they made their mind up to doing what they want they will stick to it...... It does NOT matter how many times they hear.. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG

hey thats really pretty picture :)
ok so i just got a 10 gallon tank. i have 2 medium sized goldfish, a clown loach, and a algae eater. i want to get a african dwarf frog and a tiny goldfish. can my tank hold all of this? please help me!

:/ i hate to say this but none of the fish you have will work. goldfish, contrary to common belief, need plenty of space and loads of filtration to be happy and healthy, they're also sub-tropical fish which conflicts with your other selections. clown loaches get huge and greatly prefer to be kept in groups. they're also sensitive to water quality. it would be best to take your fish back to the store and get yourself a refund if you can. start from scratch, there are a lot of nice combinations for a 10 gallon tank, but what you have right now just won't work. have you cycled your tank at all? cycling is a process that builds up beneficial bacteria in your filter so that your filter can work properly. most people are quickly discouraged when new to fishkeeping because they skip the cycling process (unknowingly) and all their fish die within a week or two. after this most people just chalk it up as a failure and assume they're not cut out for fish keeping. look into cycling, and let us know what types of fish you're into, i have a lot of interest in coming up with fish stocking ideas and i'll be glad to help with that. good thing you came here, you'll get a lot of valuable advice. :good:

by the way, african dwarf frogs would work in that tank, but there are a few things to note about them. first off, they're pretty shy and will spend at least half the time hiding. secondly, they need to be fed meaty foods so flakes are out of the question. meaty foods (frozen or live) are available in pretty much all pet shops though. thirdly, in a community tank they may need to be fed by hand because they are extremely slow eaters and the other tankmates generally eat all the food before they get to it.

on the positive side though, african dwarf frogs don't need to be fed everyday. they'll be fine if you get to them about 3 times a week. i have one currently and i love him, its a real eye-catcher and people are always interested by it. i consider it a novelty though and i suggest only keeping 1 in the 10 gallon because it can be a hassle to keep them fed when in groups.

i know being hit with all this can be discouraging, but really, its not as complicated and involved as it might seem. once a tank is cycled and established (usually takes about a month) the maintenance is very minimal and you can sit back and watch happy, healthy fish for years to come.

I am new to this forum (not at all new to Fish Keeping) but I wanted to say that you gave perfect advice in a non-rude manner. I have found that some members on here have snobby attitudes. People come here to ask for help and they get some very negative responses, not necessarily bad advice, but just the way people relay it. People who are new to the world of fish keeping, as you said can be overwhelmed by the details. It's only because it is new to them. They don't need to hear " Whats your Ph? Whats your ammonia? Did you even cycle your tank? Why would you do that? Why would you even think of that? etc etc... As you said, it makes them feel like they can't do it and they empty their tank and trip over it until they can sell it at a garage sale. All they need is people who are patient enough to take the time and explain it. I cannot stand people who just give out links! Oh you don't know, read this link. Anyway, I'm not sure how to add friends just yet, but if I ever run into trouble, I'd like to have you on my list to contact.

kinda back tracking but the second post he made wasnt so nice....
kinda back tracking but the second post he made wasnt so nice....

i guess not, but it wasn't insulting either. i tend to lose the charm when i go out of my way to anonymously help a stranger by writing three or four very respectful and articulate paragraphs of useful information only to get a one sentence response from the OP which pretty much said "whatever dude, my fish seem fine".

not even a thanks?
Google --> Worlds largest indoor aquarium

thats cool :# where is it?

im guessing japan or atlanta those are the two largest with atlanta being larger

are you getting the help you need? no questions? we are here to help :good:

yeah, everybodys adisve was good. but i couldnt take the fish back so i made do with what i had ;) . i know everybody told me that my set up wouldnt work but its been going great so far :D
"great so far" because your fish are still juveniles.

this "so far" will not last - as your fish age, their bodies will become stunted and you will have unhealthy fish.

just because they are "surviving" it doesn't indicate that they are healthy and happy.

when you say you couldn't take the fish back....did you try ALL the pet stores in your area. obviously we understand you can't take fish back to fairs etc...but many many pets stores will take fish in for credit that you can use towards fish suitable for your tank size

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