
New Member
Jun 11, 2004
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WELL THEN, I just got back from my college orientation down in Louisiana (im from Virginia) and when I came back one of my golden gouramis was about to die. I had 2 and the larger one used to chase the small one around all the time and take little bites out of its tail. at one point my smaller gourami had about 25% of a tail fin left. Anyway, I got back and my mom had put my tank divider in to separate the two. When I asked her what happend, she told me that the bigger gourami (Bob) was chasing/eating the smaller one (shanikwa :rolleyes: ). so she put the divider in. but Bob jumped over the divider and kept takin chunks out of shanikwas fins (not just the tail). So she raised the divider. I just checked my fish and shes dead :byebye: What should I do about Bob. I was thinking about talking to my LFS and trading, or getting rid of bob some how and starting over. I dont want to keep a fish thats going to kill others for whatever reason.
I dont think you should "get rid of it somehow", sometimes fish just dont get on and I understand that Bettas can be quite agressive towards each other anyway. Take it back to your LFS and see if they'll swap or give you credit or something.
Get another gourami - a Pike Gourami. You'll love that it can put Bob in his place. :)
Some Gouramis are aggressive. If you decide to get rid of it, you can donate it to your lfs.
eee... yeah give him to someone who wont mind his aggressive behavior. do like everyone said, take him to a lfs and see what they can do.
You probably had 2 males in the tank which were fighting for territory. If you wish to start again try buying a pair of Pearl Gourami they're much more peaceful.

Good luck :)
Dog's right, you must have had 2 males, and unfortunately few LFS's will inform you that males will fight when kept together. I had this happen with my blue gourami's, ended up with 2 males and had to return one as they were fighting. It was then when I did some research that I found out about the males fighting. So I now know how to sex blue gouramis so I don't make that mistake again :) So don't get mad at your fish, he was only doing what comes naturally.

well i called the LFS and they said that they wouldnt take him back for anything because nobodys would want it or something like that. So I have no idea what to do about it. I have a 15 gal tank with one fish in it. :(
Try calling a few LFS's, don't mention is is aggressive, just make up an excuse like your moving overseas and have to get rid of some fish, or say your tank has a crack in it and you need to move your fish out A.S.A.P

Use your imagination :p
Hi ibassplayer205 :)

Gouramis are often aggressive when kept in a small tank. Gold gouramis are color variations of the blue gourami which is often said to be the worst. This is natural behavior and not the fault of the gourami you have. Do remember that they are related to bettas. -_-

You might have had a male and a female, or a pair of males. Frequently the males are just as aggressive toward the females as they are to other males. On the other hand, females kept with other females can be surprisingly docile.

I once had a platinum gourami that was so nasty that I had no choice but to move him out of the community tank and into the coldwater tank where he lived out his days with goldfish twice his size.

With a 15 gallon tank, I suggest you try to give him away and forget about keeping gouramis for awhile. If you can't give him away to a lfs, you might try contacting a local aquarium society. Perhaps one of their members might help you out.

BTW, I've often heard it said that pearl gouramis are peaceful. Well, no one could say that about the one I have. Of the two males in my 55 gallon, the 3 spot is the one that hides from the pearl. :/

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