Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
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North East UK
i hate it when people see german shepherds in the street and they cross the road :crazy: ,just because my dog is huge and police use them dosent mean its gotng to rip your face off.Ive had people pick their kids up walking past me and my 2 gsds saying watch the nasty doggy or watch out itl bite you which ISNT true my dogs havnt got a nasty bone in their bodies and their like my babies!please dont judge dogs by there breed....there not all nasty burgler hunters!
:D ive got a wahite one called tarker shes mint!Zac is the one on the pic ill try n get a pic of me tarker
It's all very well saying this but the mother of those children may have a very good reason for being afraid/wary of GSDs maybe she was attacked by one?

If I see a rottweiler I will avoid it even if it involves crossing the road because you hear horror stories and my dog was attacked by one.

Im aware that not all rotties are bad but as I have had unpleasant experience with this breed I am reluctant to be near one.
As long as the owner of the dog doesn't look nervous as I'm walking towards them I'm ok. I love german shepherds :wub: We had one when I was really little. Unfortunately someone killed him :-(
Actually, you should really avoid ANY strange dog because you don't know how it will behave. I always tell me little cousin to avoid dogs she doesn't know, and if she does come across one and wants to meet it, always politely ask the owner if she can pet it. German shepherds are a very owner-protective breed. While most of them are sweet, lovely animals, some are very feirce when it comes to letting someone near the owner. I know a number of people who were severely mauled by gsheps. I'm not saying its a reason to run in fear and tell your kids that they are mean, but people should be wary with ALL dogs.

I just got attacked by two cairn terriers yesterday. Thank got I had boots on; they ripped up my pants pretty well and it could have been my legs! They were just out roaming loose. They had shock collars on but those things don't work worth a #### if the hair is long or if the dog is really determined to get after something. Luckily I stood my ground and yelled at them until they backed off. I had to actually kick one in the side, which I felt bad about, but they were attacking me. Hopefully they found their way home and their owner will supervise them better outside from now on.
I love alsations (Brit for German shepherd) - I'm more likely to cross the road to pet one!!! We had a Doberman a few years ago - she was soooooo soppy. As soon as you sat down she would be all wiggly and get in your lap - you ever tried to watch TV with a dobie sitting on you?!?!?! she gave the gas man a heart attack once though - he came in to read the meter in the cupboard under the stairs - he was leaning over with his head in the cupboard - she came up behind him, put her front paws on his shoulders from behind and stuck her tongue down his ear!!! He screamed!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dunno if he was afraid of dogs or if he thought it was my Mum's boyfriend!!!!!

Rottweilers are lovely too, but damn you know it when one of them sits on you!!!

We had an alsation/pyrenean mountain dog cross when i was little - me and all my friends used to ride on it's back and dress it up (we were horrible children!!!!) - never got anything but licked from it! his name was Rinty and he was a sweetie.

I think it all depends on the individual dog..... but also in my experience you're more likely to get bitten (although not as badly maybe) from some little yappy terrier thing.
Yeah, now ya know how all the pitbull, Amstaff, mastiff and other bull breed people feel like when they take their dog for a walk lol. It really sucks, but hey, I'd rather they cross the street than me... but I'm lazy. :rofl:
That sucks :/ It must feel awkward for people to be moving out of your way just because you have a G Shepherd -_- We had one, she died when I was 4 but all I remember was that she was very friendly and never bit or attacked anyone, and since then G shepherds have never seemed threatening to me.

My current dog seems to attract people on the street (Even though she is a mutt), and she loves attention, from anyone, anywhere :lol: She jumps on people, but only because she gets so excited when she meets new people or visitors to our house :p
Sorry, but Germansheperdlver, didn't you post on here before saying your dog had a protective aggression problem? Perhaps people have a good reason to cross the street, if your dog is protective.
Yeah i did!that was zac afewmonths ago when he had a little problem that was mainly with other dogs though!Tark is fine tho and people dont know that so it wouldnt make any real differernce...i was commentin more genraly thogh :thumbs:
I just love german shepherds. Used to own 2 of them, 1 dog & 1 *****. Bonney had this awful habit of bringing me live worms (into the house). Not once did she hurt them.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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