I Has Cory Eggs!

Jul 9, 2011
Reaction score
St. Louis
Ive been trying to get these little guys to do it for a good minute. I did a water change today and there they were!
Thank you. I have rescue some more as I have caught one cory munching down on them. I have rescued 24 eggs so far.

updated picture. I manages to save quite a few eggs, and they all look viable so far. Ive got antifungal in the water to prevent fungus.

I cannot wait for them to hatch! I have seen pics of yours TOS and that was part of what got me wanting to breed them. Thank you TOS and harlequins for the advice you gave me a few months back :)
Extremely off topic I know but Dieses Madchen it says I cannot comment on your profile or send you a PM but yes, its very normal for golden severum to get red/orange on their pelvic and anal fins. Red spotted are lovely BTW. You should get one too.
I wish I had room lol. And you cannot send pms or contact me cause i was a naughty girl and got my privies revoke :p

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