I Had A Doa


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND

That was the betta I was supposed to get. Though when I got him, he was dead :( . I had a name picked out for him and everything. I belive the person that gave me him will give me another DT, though not confirmed on the colors, but will be from same spawn. Why did he die? Heat pack failure. It barely had any heat. It was insulated and everything. Sucked, but man, thats all I can say.
So you don't have to pay for shipping of the new betta or anything right? That'd be nuts...
Did you get a new betta at the Forest Lake store? How did you like it?
No, I did not get a new betta from the Forest Lake Pets, as my dad decided to go tomorrow instead of today. But on the bright side, I am getting a new Double Tail. I belive I dont' have to pay shipping again.
Sometimes that just happens. I had DOAs on two shipments. It was so hard. :-( But then I used the cheaper shipping and they made it just fine! (Sometimes it has to do with the carriers....My maillady is wonderful, but I watched the postman a couple towns away FLIPPING the damn box that I paid $26 and the poor innocent fish inside!---I gave him an earfull!). Anway, sorry. :-(
Nice Fish. Though I wished it would have stayed alive so you can take more pix of it. :/ ... Well R.I.P for the little guy. Hopefully the next one will be the same.

-Arrowehead :ninja:
be sure to take a picture of it still in the bag for proof otherwise you wont get another one.

Sorry for your loss :rip:

Don't worry I did. But he won't refund, he can give me a different betta, that's it. Though, I have to pay 27 dollars in shipping. I hope my dad won't mind. Man, today sucked so bad. I couldn't even see the movie I wanted to. I hope my female will come alive next week.
They will refund him right?
I see your on OA, did you get a new betta? How did you like that petstore?

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