I Gots New Fish

what lighting do you have u can only keep one species of nem per tank so you will have to take one back and the flame will outgrow ur tank, if its stock nanocube then no anemones

edit:you have the dx so no anemones, you will need to return both of them

please research before buying
what lighting do you have u can only keep one species of nem per tank so you will have to take one back and the flame will outgrow ur tank, if its stock nanocube then no anemones

edit:you have the dx so no anemones, you will need to return both of them

please research before buying
i have white purified(2) and blue actinic(2). and only1 anenome and i have the Gx nanocube by jbj.
oh u meatn long tentacle palte coral....lighting isnt enough for the nem

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