I Got Two Girlies!

Okay first of all my fiancee bought me "female bettas" from a pet store and well they are NOT betta splendens they are Betta Edithea (WILD TYPE BETTA WOW)
second of all it really depends on the fish I have bred pet store vts but thats cause the daddy was over 6 inches long before the tail . So really ppl calm down do you really want some one expirementing with show fish and if so volunteer yours common this is ridiculas
Just because you did something, doesn't mean everyone in the world should. Also, it sounds like you had an extraordinary pet store betta which made him worth breeding. Most run-of-the-mill ones aren't.

And you can find a lot of decent quality fish for just slightly more than the price of pet store ones, sometimes even the same exact price.

However, yellaboo, as long as you research enough, know what you're doing, and are sure that you'll be able to find homes for all the fry, I don't think it's too terrible of a thing to breed your fish. I know I would never be comfortable giving my precious babies to a pet store and not knowing what kind of homes they were sold to, but if you are, that's fine. After all, I think it's better for any bettas to be bred by someone locally who genuinely cares about the fish rather than some mass-producer shipping large quantities of fish from long distances away. That's my two-cents anyhoo. :)

ALSO my blue female has black stripes that are permanent they are horizontal and stay there I have had her for months and they will not go away. she is not stressed out or sick so dont tell me they arent part of her
Some females are more anxious and easily-stressed than others, yours probably being one of them. As far as I know, stripes aren't ever actual permanent coloring on a betta.
1. I said extremely unlikely, because it is. Most pet shops do not carry wilds. like i said before, they are expensive and rarely available from pet shops.

2. i don't really care what size your VT was or is, i stand by what i said about pet shop bettas. And yes, i would rather she start with quality fish. Why shouldn't she?

3. I am also going to stand by what i said about the stripes because i have never seen or heard of a splendens that is always striped (disregarding color morphs such as "tiger" which in no way resemble breeding or stress stripes).

One person and many people can be wrong. I don't know if you meant to single me out on that note, in particular, but I did not in any way jump at her. You should keep in mind though that what holds true for one person, holds true for most people. I, we, may be wrong, but you may be wrong as well. Maybe those stripes on your girl are permanent color, but then again, maybe they aren't. You may have a very sensitive fish, which is what turned out to be the case with my girl who was striped for an inordinant amount of time. She was even plaid at one point, wearing horizontal AND vertical stripes :lol:
wow this topic kinda got piped up... that was not really actually intended but i thank all the new info some of it i have not read yet so yay for my part i gues!! lol!! anyways but yeah i am going to try out fish photography today again to see what i can get on my females my males are pretty big (i am not saying six inches though) but the females are still too young i have concluded because they normally are shipped to stores at about three months of age? is that a correct guess? so thats what i am thinking the lable said they were 1.5 inches and the males darwf them in comparison... so i am getting the 29 gal ready this weekend since i have four days off and me and my boyfriend i think might take a trip to someone close here coming up if anyone lives in middle tennessee and has nothing to do i would love it! but other than that i mean i am going to dedicate most of my time to this... ( and my research paper due monday) sooo yeah just keep on with things that you might have done that was wrong so i can maybe learn from y'alls mistakes and not make them...?! (not to offend anyone but i mean share expirances and share knowledge?) ((sorry can't spell)) sooo... yeah umm... thanks!
3 months isn't too young for breeding, i think most breeders breed at 3-6 months. in any case males are usually shipped to stores at 6 months + because that's when their finnage is longest and most impressive. i don't know about the girlies though. It's possible they go out younger because their fins don't get so long.

[edit] this isn't to say you can't breed older bettas, but it sometimes isn't as easy. they can be clumsy and slow, but if you're patient it can get done. As for the size difference, there are some threads about that, i think, if you do some searches. i know it's come up before, but i don't know a great deal about it.
well i tried to measure last night... thats not going to work but i did get some lovely looks out of my grilies! lol they were flarin and actin all big for me! they are sooo adorable! but anyways so yes ummm my males seem huge still i think the best estimate i got was between four and five inches (body) but the females kept arching thier backs and making my task difficult... but that was my night last night so i am guessing the females are 1.5 inches long beings thats what the side of the jar said when i bought them... but they have grown since then and i am still reading all these amazing threads about breeding! i feel my IQ getting larger! (joke) but anyways i will keep posting!

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