I Got These Stinking Snails.


New Member
Dec 30, 2008
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Small Planorbids, Ramshorn Snails - Family Planorbidae

pretty sure ive got those snails. almost positive they came with the Java Fern i bought. didn't rinse it first. silly me.

i see them crawling over my glass. and on the plant itself sometimes.

they're nasty looking little critters. isn't there any fish i can get to eat them, lol. I was hoping my betta would, but nope.
Hi NameUser :)

I know just what you are going through. :hyper: They reproduce like crazy, and it seems to me that the brown ones are worse than the red. I have 30 tanks and at one point was down to two pure strain red ramshorns. I had actually bought them. They used to be popular years ago and are now hard to find. Then someone I bought fish from gave me a lovely big red one and I let it breed with one of the two I had. Unfortunately it carried brown genes and now they have spread to all my tanks. Since the brown snails are considered pests, my red snails are no longer desirable and are proving very hard to get rid of.

Here's a link with some pictures I posted yesterday:


If the infestation is bad, there's not much you can do but clean out the tank and start over. If you only have a few, pick them out as soon as you see them and be careful not to overfeed your fish. They will reproduce even more if there is a plentiful supply of food for them.

Try crushing some of the smaller ones between your fingers. Your fish might eat them if they are out of their shells.
Clown loaches love snails well at least our three do so that might be worth a shot.

Hi theredguy :)

Thanks for the suggestion, but I just don't have the room for them. They are active fish that get quite big and would have to share the bottom with all my corys. :/
My wholesale sells assasain snails bascialy eat other snails onces they've done there job take em out. google them and do some research see if you can hold of any there good
Assassin snails rarely make a dent in the total population, you'd have to have alot of them to see any noticeable difference.

Any of the botia genus will eat snails, so if you havn't got room for clown loach, there are other alternatives that stay more manageable sizes if you want to go down the fish route of removing snails.
assassin snails work wonders if you have a large population, if not loaches love snails but then you have to have a big enough tank for them

you could try the cucumber trick, place a bit of cucumber at the bottom of the tank and leave it for a night in the morning the snails will hopefully be all over the piece and then you can just take it out and dispose accordingly.

or...crush them with your finger or magnetic alage cleaner, my tetras love it as a little treat

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