I Got The Best News Today!


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
the lfs by my college had to switch betta breeders for their shipments, and the new breeder they found doesn't have very nice bettas and charge more, so they know that I breed and asked me for a spawn from my VTs to see if they like them, if they do, I'll help supply them a bit. So this is awsome because I finally have the chance to breed my 2 favorite VTs




O wow, that is awsome, and you have such a great pair of fish.

I like the VT tail types the best, just never could breed them because i wouldn't know what to do with all the fry :D GL
If you can ship to the USA within a Reasonable cost, I'd be interested in buying some as well. ^_^ Part of it depends on how much longer my 3 yr old beta lives, since he's the only beta in my 30 gallon tank. XD can we say spoilt? Plus, my Fiance's name is Damien. lol
That's great! I mean, it's nice that since you wanted to breed VT and the local pet store is in need of a breeder. Very cool! :D

ps- my LFS said they'd take all of my baybees in if I wanted to breed too, only problem is I'm bad luck for breeding or something! =P
If you can ship to the USA within a Reasonable cost, I'd be interested in buying some as well. ^_^ Part of it depends on how much longer my 3 yr old beta lives, since he's the only beta in my 30 gallon tank. XD can we say spoilt? Plus, my Fiance's name is Damien. lol

Hehe, where in the USA are you located? I'd be happy to ship you some, all I'd ask is that u pay shipping :D
Have you mentioned this to Damien? He looks as if he is saying "Who me?" :D
:D I'm really happy for you!

Vt's are one of my fav (probably because I can only get them from LFS)! Good luck with the breeding and keep us all updated

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