I got my first Betta!!


New Member
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada

I finally got my first Betta! it's a male and he's all red just like this: My Betta He seems to be very happy and is blowing a bubble nest already! One problem is that he doesn't seem to like pellets... all he eats is freeze dried worms and I don't want to spoil him so can anyone give me any tips on making him like pellets??
i dont htink theres anyting wrong with just bloodworms (if thats what kind of worms you are talking about)
what kind of pellets? i have had very few bettas that wouldnt take hikari bio-gold. (thats the best pellet brand anyways) even then, i could eventually get them all ot take it. you could take away the bloodworms and just keep giving him pellets until he gets hungry and takes them. (be sure to remove any that havent been eaten after 5 minutes). you could also use a garlic supplement and dip the food in that. for some reason-it makes picky fish want to eat.
congrats on the new betta, he will eventually eat them when ever he is starving :)
mine was like that....then just the other day, my bf was feeding all my betta's, and he fed the one that lives on bloodworms some pellets, and he actually ate them! i didn't even know he ate them....cuz when i first got him, he refused to eat anything besides the worms. wierd picky bettas :rolleyes:

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