Fish Fanatic
Went Aquarium shop today with my wifey to be to pick up my red honey gouramis and they had a few male bettas so we took a look at them. Jen (my wifey to be) fell in love with this guy (see pic) so I had to get him. I did not so long ago think about getting a betta but put it on hold. He seems to be bossing the back of the tank atm not too much though. Only the honey gouramis seem to go and see what he's up to and he gives them a quick nudge away. Oh! and a siamese flying fox sat on a leaf next to him for to long so.... he chased him away.
Anyway my nooby question is.... does betta have any feeding preferences that differ from other fish and what variety ?
Sorry I did resize the picture but may have posted the original
Anyway my nooby question is.... does betta have any feeding preferences that differ from other fish and what variety ?

Sorry I did resize the picture but may have posted the original