I Got My First Betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Cave In Wales
Went Aquarium shop today with my wifey to be to pick up my red honey gouramis and they had a few male bettas so we took a look at them. Jen (my wifey to be) fell in love with this guy (see pic) so I had to get him. I did not so long ago think about getting a betta but put it on hold. He seems to be bossing the back of the tank atm not too much though. Only the honey gouramis seem to go and see what he's up to and he gives them a quick nudge away. Oh! and a siamese flying fox sat on a leaf next to him for to long so.... he chased him away.

Anyway my nooby question is.... does betta have any feeding preferences that differ from other fish and what variety ?


Sorry I did resize the picture but may have posted the original :S
Nice Looking Betta :eek: :drool: but i must ask one thing. the honey gouramies are they in with the bettas because if they are that could cause some right trouble!!! lol

Hope To Help :)
At the moment they are but I am keeping an eye on things as I can move the betta if need be. The betta is hanging about the back of the tank around some fake hanging plants and the gouramis are all over the place and near mid, front, top and bottom around the real plants I put in last week.
Most bettas are picky and won't eat regular fish flakes (or even flakes especially for bettas). One type of food that all my bettas so far have liked is Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets. You can also give them frozen foods if you want to spoil them. ;)
My fish are all on flake, sinking granules and frozen bloodworm and veggies when I find another clip to put them on. Will see what happens over next couple of days then I will go try the food you use.


Congrats on the new betta, careful they are sooo addicting :)

good luck with the betta! nice solid colouring on him!

My bettas also like the hikari bio-gold pellets. they just devour them!

Well I got some betta food its a mix of small flake an shrimps n krill. So I fed fish as normal and put small amount of betta mix just near him so it would float past him. He took a bit of flake and of course as it went past him all the other fish ate the rest. Anyway as this was going on I put a pinch of high protein sinking granules in for my bottom feeders and my betta was right there snapping them up.

Will I be ok just letting him have the high protein granules and the odd bit of bloodworm (f/dry bloodworm done once a week) ?

thanks for any replies on this.
I use a feeding ring for my female Bettas who are in the community tank. I put the food in the water for the other fish and Betta food in the ring. The girls know that is their food, they wait by the ring for me to put the food in. Bettas are notoriously slow eaters. My males all 'kill' their food before they eat it!
I would recommend removing the betta because even though nothing has happend yet, this betta is showing the same behaviors that my friends betta did in his 29g when he had gouramis in it, it would stay in the back while the gouramis were swimming around, then the gouramis killed the betta. But congrats on finding such a nice betta. :drool:
I would recommend removing the betta because even though nothing has happend yet, this betta is showing the same behaviors that my friends betta did in his 29g when he had gouramis in it, it would stay in the back while the gouramis were swimming around, then the gouramis killed the betta. But congrats on finding such a nice betta. :drool:

My betta has been coming to the front of the tank also and middle of tank looking at the ornaments I have in middle front that all the fish can swim through or hide in and he also came to top with others just after I fed them(I know this is not a sign all is ok). Gouramis are quite lively through the day and all sleep in around one of my new live plants. Planning on getting more live plants soon. I will keep in mind what you have told me and if I feel things are not going well I WILL move him.

My fish are all on flake, sinking granules and frozen bloodworm and veggies when I find another clip to put them on. Will see what happens over next couple of days then I will go try the food you use.


That sounds like a good variety. The female bettas in my community tank eat a little bit of everything, betta pellets and granules, tropical flake food, freeze dried daphnia, freeze dried blood worms, freeze dried tubifex worms, freeze dried shrimp, and frozen brine shrimp. You could also try the insides of smashed green peas.

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