Fish Crazy
I got one of those plastic containers that you're supposed to keep bugs in. It has a snap-on cap with holes in it, so no more reaching deep inside a bowl's small opening to get the rotten food and dirty stuff out anymore! I'm not sure which is bigger: my bowl I used in the past, or the new bug container I got, but it should do, I guess. I'm still waiting for the water to age before I put my new betta in. I felt a lotta pity for the little guy, so instead of keeping him in the cup for the few days while i'm waiting for the water to age, i'm keeping him in a smaller, yet a lot bigger than the cup, container. It's like a cylinder, and he even made a little bubblenest. Well, DUH, right? After all, it's so much bigger than the cup! But just wait till he sees his new container! It's got a hidey hole, plants, his castle, and gravel! The container he is in right now only has the castle and gravel. If he's happy now, he'll be super super happy when he gets into his new container...he'll be all like...um.....like this!