I GOT A NEW BETTA!!! Where should I put him


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I have a 1 gallon vase that is really round then gets slimmer then round at the top again. This is what I used to keep my bettas in.

Or I could put him in the 29 gallon with the balloon mollies and neons. I am afraid they will nip at him because of his beautiful long crowntail fins. What should I do? I hvae gravel and the vase but no plant for him yet but I'm sure I could get a spare one from one of my other tanks. What do you think?

P.S. He has a silver body and black/red tipped fins. He is a crowntail and has the longest little gill fins (don't know what they are called). They are soooo long and beautiful. They are shaped like a leaf. He has a big open mouth too. Like his is frowning. I don't want him to be nipped but I don't want him to get cold... what do you guys think? Right now he is floating in the 29 in a betta cup and can stay there until I know what to do for sure. I got him at Wal-mart. They also had a butteryfly and one that faded from a lavendar on the top of his body to a striped pastel yellow at the bottom of his body. I wanted to get them all but I didn't have enough money. I chose him because he was the first one I saw and I just liked him. He wouldn't move and i looked at him and he just did two little flicks with his fins like, "I'm right here." Flick Flick.... :-( He looked so sad. My mom wasn't going to let me get him and I said he looked so sad. She said fish can't look sad but then she saw him... I GOT HIM! :hey:
I've had betta hexes before but the vase I have now is bigger for him and I think it is just too small. I used some old rainbow colored gravel I have, I found an extra plant (glow-in-the-dark), and a clay pot. The clay pot was too big so I cut it in half and sanded down the edges to make a semi-cave thing. It kind of looks like a six year old picked out the bright colors but oh well. He's dark so he'll stick out.

Oh, I'll have pics by tommorow! :kira:

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