alright...well, lets start with your first question:
I was wondering if Betta fish should have gravel and a plant?
- it woudl be nice if you can give him gravel and a plant. Bettas usually like plants a lot as they can feel secure and rest on them, so it would definitly be a plus. But make sure it's silk ors omething soft becuase plastic could hurt his fins. Gravel will amke your tank look more natural
How often should I change a tank of 1 gallon water since there will probablyh no filter.....should i get a air pump?
- at least once a week, twice a week is evn better (i change my 1.5G twice a week). You don't NEED an air pump because bettas breathe from the surface anyways, they dont' need aerated water like other fish.
oh that was all the questions you had

well HTH, if you need anything just post