I got a betta newbie questions

Thanks guys I appresiate it. Im so glad I can put my Betta Friends on my shelf. Its gunna look so spiffy :lol: . That conversion table is really helpful thanks. :lol: :lol: . My Bettas hope fully will be happy on my shelf...I just hope there ok with 1 gallon.....hmmm.....anyways. I was wondering if Betta fish should have gravel and a plant? How often should I change a tank of 1 gallon water since there will probablyh no filter.....should i get a air pump? Sorry guys for all the questions but im sorta new to this type of fish. Right now the fish are fine in the huge tub. Thanks again for the help. :D
alright...well, lets start with your first question:

I was wondering if Betta fish should have gravel and a plant?
- it woudl be nice if you can give him gravel and a plant. Bettas usually like plants a lot as they can feel secure and rest on them, so it would definitly be a plus. But make sure it's silk ors omething soft becuase plastic could hurt his fins. Gravel will amke your tank look more natural :)

How often should I change a tank of 1 gallon water since there will probablyh no filter.....should i get a air pump?
- at least once a week, twice a week is evn better (i change my 1.5G twice a week). You don't NEED an air pump because bettas breathe from the surface anyways, they dont' need aerated water like other fish.

oh that was all the questions you had :D well HTH, if you need anything just post :)
Thanks cutecotton its been a really big help. I totally forgot they had a labyrinth organ. heh. Im going to get the tank and some more bettas :lol: :lol: :lol: . I never knew that plastic would hert them. Is silk plants more expensive?
I forgot to also ask if a light is recommended for bettas. I know lids are.
yes, a light would be the best thing to have for them, unless your room is really really brgith. If they are in constant darkness you mgiht find htem lethargic...refusing to eat, etc becuase you stimulating "night time" for htem and making them want to sleep/rest more.

I speak from personal experience, i once tried to keep my bettas in 1G opaque containers that wasn't in a very well lit room. for that entire week they a) didnt' eat, B) wouldn't move/swim in any way. Afterwards i put them back in CLEAR containers back in my room which is very bright and they're okay again :thumbs:

silk plants isn't that expsnive....i make my own though. I take some cloth and what not, shred it and tie it togehter on one end using an elastic band :D the bettas seem to like it quite a bit because of the time the cloth will sink and they'll rest on top of it. It's also very soft :)

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