I Found This Upsetting For Me.

everyone seems to be denying mankinds contribution to problems :)

As for biofuel tho, it has no reason to be called bio fuel just because its made from plant derrived oil?!?!?!?!?!

Biofuel contributes as the main driver of deforestation and releasing the most carbon from carbon sinks, all because the advertisers don't advertise that big lol

Hydrogen fuel cell cars, come on companies hurry up and make them cheap and in all garages :D


If you want to really talk carbon footprint and all those new fancy buzzwords, don't waste your time on biofuel and cars because they're a drop in the bucket as far as CO2 (and way worse) pollution goes; instead concern yourself with coal/oil power plants and coal/oil home heating. Concern yourself with nuclear, geothermal, wind, and solar power solutions instead :)

And as the mod here, just a quick "official" thought here: Great discussion so far, but keep it flame/troll free so that I don't have to close/moderate it, as this is pretty close to GC. Thanks
even so, methane causes a bigger green house effect than carbon

, the extinction rates being seen at this time are crazy.


what... worse than at the KT boundary?, or worse than the first 1000 years after the last ice age...ie 9k ago? Ext rates seem to be increasing, but we still don't know, we are guesing

the most efficient ghg (if there actually is such a thing) is water vapour, several orders of magnitude greater than co2 or methane.... now what would happen if every car started producing large amounts from fuel cells????
even so, methane causes a bigger green house effect than carbon

, the extinction rates being seen at this time are crazy.


what... worse than at the KT boundary?, or worse than the first 1000 years after the last ice age...ie 9k ago? Ext rates seem to be increasing, but we still don't know, we are guesing

the most efficient ghg (if there actually is such a thing) is water vapour, several orders of magnitude greater than co2 or methane.... now what would happen if every car started producing large amounts from fuel cells????

But water vapour can be condensed and expelled as a liquid
even so, methane causes a bigger green house effect than carbon

, the extinction rates being seen at this time are crazy.


what... worse than at the KT boundary?, or worse than the first 1000 years after the last ice age...ie 9k ago? Ext rates seem to be increasing, but we still don't know, we are guesing

the most efficient ghg (if there actually is such a thing) is water vapour, several orders of magnitude greater than co2 or methane.... now what would happen if every car started producing large amounts from fuel cells????

But water vapour can be condensed and expelled as a liquid

more vapour = moer clouds = more clouds = more insulation = more insulation = more heat being trapped

and also more clouds = more rain
Somoene once said to me, the earth changes on its own, people are just trying to stop what is happening naturally. By trying to stop climate change they are doing what they are trying to provent and getting involved with nature.

The earths climate always changes, there has been an ice age etc.
more vapour = more clouds = more clouds = more insulation = more insulation = more heat being trapped

and also more clouds = more rain

the world is like 90% water and its not like your producing water from thin air your just converting Hydrogen and oxygen into water, cars aren't going to make a difference to that.
more vapour = more clouds = more clouds = more insulation = more insulation = more heat being trapped

and also more clouds = more rain

the world is like 90% water and its not like your producing water from thin air your just converting Hydrogen and oxygen into water, cars aren't going to make a difference to that.
if CO2 can make a difference so can H20
Yeah, again, cars are A problem, but far from THE problem ;). Just because you see them everyday doesn't mean they're the largest polluter out there...
the big "problem" is the big yellow ball in the sky and the way we go round it :crazy:

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