I Found Panda Cories!


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
After going months searching for ANY type of cory besides albinos and adult emeralds, I've found finally found pandas at my lfs! The thing is...they are $8 each. :crazy: Anyone think thats a little too much for a fish that is supposed to be kept in groups of 5+? I love pandas...but not that much :lol:
That does seem a bit high for C. Pandas. Ive seen them around here for $5.99 a piece. I would pay $8 or even a lot more for a cory if they looked healthy and I couldnt find them anywhere else.
They were priced at $7.99 each when I saw them about 9 months ago. I asked the employee if I could get a deal if i bought 5. He went in back, asked the owner, and I paid $25 for 5. :D

It always pays to ask, especially if you are a regular customer.
I bought 6 Panda Cories for 6$ each back in June it was a good investment because I now own 20 of them. My little Pandas are breeding machines hardly a week goes by where I do not find a couple eggs on the glass :wub:


Good luck with the Pandas they are a wonderful fish.

Rez B)
Pandas do look good, my LFS usually has them for $4 a piece.

Rez - Nice babies you have there, good luck with them.
I am still planing on getting some. Out of all yjr cories i've seen, I like them best! They are selling for 3.99 at mine LFS. They are still very small too! perfect size!

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