I Finally Got My Betta!


Sep 10, 2009
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So my 5 gallon tank finished cycling today (8 days double 0s) and I didn't think I would be able to get him today because I didn't think I would have enough time to acclimate him before I had to go to a Christmas Party. However, I got all my errands done about 3 hours early so I got him!! I'll post some pics tomorrow once he is settled in a little more. But what I really wanted to vent about was what the LFS told me. This particular store has some in tanks and others in jars, the one I wanted was in a jar, anyway, I asked the clerk to bag him for me because it is easier to acclimate him. His exact words were "You don't need to acclimate Bettas, they really don't care about there water conditions that much, they are really hardy and you can just throw him into the tank when you get home, he'll be fine." I could not believe my ears, I just stared at him in disbelief for what felt like an eternity, before I said, "Well that may be the way you treat your fish at the store, but I prefer to treat mine humanly, and if that is your opinion than I am glad I am rescuing this little guy before you kill him" I know a little harsh, but I was just so shocked.

Anyway, got him home, got him acclimated, just about to release him into his new spacious 5 gallon (well spacious for him anyway, after being in that little container for who knows how long). Haven't picked out a name yet, will post pics tomorrow.

good for you......im glad you had the guts to say somthing because alot of people just sit back and not say anything and the only ones that suffer are the fish......i would have done the same.....the fishies thank you ahahahahaha!
I'm so glad you said something to them, way to stand up for fish rights :lol:

I had a shock at my lfs earlier. I was buying filter foam and bio-chips and 2 flame tetra and the guy serving me actually checked that i had other flame tetra and that i wasn't planning on replacing all my filter media at once. He actually explained replacing it all would probably end up with me having a lot of dead fish. I was so shocked I was being asked the right questions I think he thought his questions offended me lol.

Anyway way to go on getting your betta can't wait to see pics of him. What colour/tail type is he? :hyper:
I think he thought his questions offended me lol.

As someone who worked for a very long time in a fish store, he probably did think he was offending you. One of the hardest things to do is to tell people how their fish should be kept. It seems you always have those that take it as an affront to their way of fishkeeping. Either that or he feared that his employer might be angry that he was not telling you to replace all of your media at once so that they could make more profit.
As someone who worked for a very long time in a fish store, he probably did think he was offending you. One of the hardest things to do is to tell people how their fish should be kept. It seems you always have those that take it as an affront to their way of fishkeeping. Either that or he feared that his employer might be angry that he was not telling you to replace all of your media at once so that they could make more profit.

I think the way i was answering him probably made him think i was offended just cos i was so stunned that he wasn't just flogging me stuff without any concern. Yeah i'm not replacing any media just adding more sponge in cos there's space where my carbon pad should be and the bio-balls are for the zeolite chambers in my dad's filter as i don't want any zeolite in there so rather than the baskets sitting empty i might as well make use of them lol. Anyway that guy restored some of my faith in the staff in the LFS. If only more employees were like you and him then there'd be a lot less disasters :good:
Every time I go to Big Al's and buy fish, they always ask me (except for feeder fish, which I rescue XD), but anyways; they always ask me, "Oh, has your tank been set up for at least a month?" and such; I always just smile and answer politely, "Yup, yup!" XD
yes sorry that would be 8 days of double zeros (0 nitrite 0 ammonia) :lol: sorry about that. But this tank did take a whopping 101 days to cycle, 34 days fish in and 67 fish less. I had a zebra danio in there, that was before I knew about fish less cycling, and he was doing quite well until he managed to find the one little hole I did not have covered at the back of the hood and jumped out :( I was devastated about it, but the silver lining was I finished the tank as a fish less cycle.

I believe he is a crown tail, but not really sure, the container he was in just said Male Betta Splendour. He is purple colour, a pale lilac body and then darker purple fins that fade back to the pale lilac at the tips of the fins. Purple is my favourite colour. I couldn't believe when I saw him. I saw others that were kind of similar in colour but they looked on the verge of death, and though I wanted to rescue them all I don't have the space, and as I am relatively new to fish keeping I didn't want to set my self up for a fail with a sick fish. He actually looked really healthy, although his water was filthy. There were other ones, different colour, that looked healthy and had cleaner water, but I figured he must be pretty robust as he was flaring in his container when I pick it up, and I thought wow, to have that much energy and in a small container filled with filthy water (it was so cloudy I could hardly see him in there), you must be a fighter :lol: Well I know it has been said many times before, but I just fell in love with him.

I tried to get some pics when I got home, but he is hiding in his coconut cave and won't come out. I guess he is still a little unsure of him self in his new surroundings.

OH OH he is out - oh no went back into hiding as soon as I walked up to the tank. Oh well, he'll come out eventually, I hope :lol:
Aw he and the tank sounds fantastic, cant wait to see pics when you get them, hope he is settling in well for you. xx
He sounds lovely, proper purple isn't a colour you see that much. Please hurry with pics :hyper:
Wow I thought purple was common, they had 5 of them at the store, I actually put him back at first because I was looking for something more unique, but I kept going back to him :lol:

Any he finally came out, but I only got one decent picture. Today when I walked up to the tank he started flaring at me, so I ran for the camera, and as soon as I got there with the camera he hid again. But here is the one I got I will try to get some better ones today. The photo makes him look blue, but he is actually purple.

Also I was wondering how much I should feed him. Last night and this morning I gave him 3 pellets. Is that too much? I plan to feed him twice a day, so how many pellets should I give him per meal?

Wow, I can't believe how good at hiding he is, that is twice now I thought he jumped out cause I couldn't find him. Well can't seem to get any more of him. But here is a picture of his home. He loves his coconut cave. The nylon over the intake valve seems to be working well, he has been over there a few times right up against it and no fin trouble with the filter. I was worried about the air stone I have in there so I turned it down really low, but he actually seems to like it. I actually caught him sleeping on it this morning. Anyway here is is home:


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