Believe it or not, some people can't get them to breed right away. But once they start its hard to get them to stop. The only way I found was separating the 2 parents, or leaving the fry in there longer than usual. But best wishes and luck should be wished for every spawn as anything can go wrong, and those that have never bred a cichlid might find satisfaction in it. I know my first tiem breeding any fish (besides common livebearers) were convicts, so I felt a sense of pride amongst myself. It was only until the like 3rd spawn that th feeling faded .
I didn't mean to come off the wrong way, I agree convicts are VERY easy to breed. They're pretty much add any type of water and they'll breed. But the first spawn to a new cichlid, or even a long time keeper that has never spawned gives a sense of satisfaction. Again, I didn't mean to come off wrong, just that if this is their first attempt at spawning cichlids, congratulations. If not, still good luck with the plans you have for them .