I finally found a Panda Cory....

Inchworm said:
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

I'm happy to see that you finally got some corys. :thumbs: How do you like them? Do you keep them with a betta? :unsure:
I used to keep them with a betta, but the betta contracted ick and lost his nice finnage. After that, no more! So now I have a juvenile green swordtail with the two panda cories. I HAD 2 baby leopard cories, but one got sucked up into the Azoo Palm filter (that's how small he was!). I felt so bad (and so stupid for not using the filtered cap instead of the open tube in the first place) that the other lost his playmate. I know I am overstocking, but I placed him in with the cories and swordtail. I'm running 2 palm filters in the 2.5g until I can get a 5g. The baby leopard cory seems so happy with his new family! Better than having a depressed fish in his own tank.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
...I used to keep them with a betta, but the betta contracted ick and lost his nice finnage. After that, no more!

...The baby leopard cory seems so happy with his new family! Better than having a depressed fish in his own tank.
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

Please don't blame the corys for an outbreak of ich. Corys are resistant to ich and are seldom affected by it. :no: They are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections, the same as bettas are, however. :nod:

Corys, because they are schooling fish, feel very insecure and are easily frightened when they are alone. They are much happier in groups, even if they are other kinds of corys. You absolutely did the right thing by putting him with the others. :D

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