Fish Crazy
spare tank.....check. spare filter...check. spare heater...check. water in tap....check. oh dear, i got all the ingredients for my first Betta. i've held out sooooooooo long. shall i, sharn't i???
Cheers.....what about
Sooty & Sweep
this prob sounds dumb, but I would have ended up calling one of them copper, and the other devil.
maybe I have no imagination
theres no walmart in the UK, thank goodness but there are some that are very simularTrust me, your petstore bettas colors will change, probably alot, once he starts getting nice clean warm water and good food.
And, I'm not sure if you have a walmart near you, but you may want to check there. My 2 most unique boys came from a walmart, one looks like strudel, and the other is about 7 differant colors, metallic, and has spots. So its worth a shot.