I don't want to be that guy, but

Hi there noobie.......... I hate to be the bearer of bad tides, but I would take your Silver Dollar back ASAP.........

looking for threads for you to read........be back in a jiffy.............

Here's a good one:

Good SD info.....

Here's another one:

another SD thread
Ya, I was all over those posts Silver....actually saw them last night. He currently is as long as my zebras and is about 1/2-3/4" tall. I understand he'll grow significantly and by the time he starts to bloom, I'll have the wife talked into a 55 or larger.
Well that's good :*)

I had no way of knowing whether you've seen them or not, but I'm glad you do...

In the meantime, do you think you could get one more maybe :/

It's a good possibility. He's not too bad off as far as being real shy or lonely. He's running around with my tetra and he's playing with the filter return (chasing air bubbles and such). But I'm definately going to look into it because they're a pretty cool fish besides.

Btw, sry if I came off as a jerk in the previous reply.
mrcrabbs said:
Also, blueberry tetras are dyed...? Dyeing is a really nasty practice, avoid buying dyed fish in the future.

Why is it bad to buy died fish?
Because it's cruel. There are several methods of dyeing fish. The first is to take a large-gauge needle, fill it with coloring, and inject it into the fish just below the skin. This leaves a large hole, which, in many cases, develops severe infections later on. The second is to feed dye-laced food. The dye is toxic. The last way is to put a fish in an acidic solution to strip its slime coat off. Then, you put it in the dye, then you put it in another substance that irritates the skin and makes the slime coat grow back. These are all very stressful for the fish. Note also that the dye is not permanent, no matter what method you use. I bought a couple of dyed albino black skirt tetras a long time ago, without knowing what they were. One of them is still alive and is no longer pink (the color he was dyed) at all.
No, you didn't at all :no:

;) I like'em.....although they get kind of tiring...UGH!!! Mine do anyhow, they are so skiddish and fungus prone, I don't know WHAT'S going on! :dunno: :sad:
Nitrate = 20ppm
Nitrite = 0
GH = 100ish (right in between soft and hard)
KH = 90ish (in between, but a little closer to the 80 color)
PH = Just under 7 (am going to start watching because I thought that was a little on the lower side)


THe tank has been running about 2 weeks (7 fish and after a fairly light cycle process)
Cory cats :thumbs: They do best in groups of at least 3 and are a lot of fun to watch.
I don't mean to highjack your thread but
Why is it bad to buy died fish?
seems like a bit of a silly question. Afterall this topic is pinned for all to see (as i've said once today already) at the top of the forum - dont mean to be bitching but with over 200 posts you should be aware of it, don't want you buying dyed fish now ;)

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