I Dont Know What To Get And I Need Your Help


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2006
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Which would you all choose for my 29 gallon tank. It is a low light planted tank and the other inhabitants include 6 tiger barbs, 2 bolivion rams, and 3 sterbai cory cats with a few more additions which i have not decided upon(im thinkin some kind of small schooling fish). I want the choice based on these things:

how well they work with the other fish

which will help more with the over all health of the tank( which will eat more algae and stuff)

and last but not least, which is the more interesting and fun to watch
i think otto's are more fun to watch, get a nice group of them and they are veyr lively and school together

as a side note you need some more cories, they do much better in a group of 6+
never had otos but kept BNs in the past and i found that as they reached adult hood mine stoped eating the algae but they were breeding by then so maybe that has something to do with is.

have you considered a group of shirmp, Amano shrimp are good algae eater and will eat uneaten food :good:
never had otos but kept BNs in the past and i found that as they reached adult hood mine stoped eating the algae but they were breeding by then so maybe that has something to do with is.

have you considered a group of shirmp, Amano shrimp are good algae eater and will eat uneaten food :good:

Not all shrimp eat algae, and some lfs's sell what they call 'algae eating shrimps' that never touch the stuff. Al least with a bn or oto you know they're going to have a go at the green stuff.

To the original post, otto's are certainly different to the norm and may look good, but given the larger tank, i'd have to go for the bn myself.
no i never thought about shrimp but i kind of like the idea.

Anyone got any input about the shrimp idea as well?
I've got a BN and some shrimp in my low lighting planted tank, and I love watching the BN. Very characteristic and full of energy, always out during the day as well. It's been great watching him grow over the last 6months or so when I bought him.

I've got 1 oto left in my 10gallon planted, had 3 more in there, but they died (there's a post in emergancy section about that). But I really do enjoy the BN's more than the otos.

The shrimp are great to watch too, I've mainly got Amano shrimp in my tanks, and a few ghost shrimp. They're great to watch them climbing and swimming about the palce, and also how cheeky they get stealing food off the fish in the tank at feeding time!
well i really like the shrimp idea cause i think it would be nice to have something other than fish in the tank. whats a good number of shrimp to get and what is better the amano or the ghost?

as for the plec or otos im still very unsure.

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