I don't get it...


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
Everytime I do a water change (and gravel vac) the next morning I see this...

This is my 8 gallon tank that I have divided for 6 bettas, lately it's been happening in this tank. Anyone know what could cause this? :X
Once a week 30% at first. For the last 2 months (since this started) it's been every 3 days about 40% and lately I've been doing them every day, sucking out the floating white pieces... about 15% and cleaning the glass.
Are you cleaning the gravel? (I know, you probably are, but...) I'm wondering if it's worms or something feeding on detritus in the gravel or water...
No underground filter...

Yes, everytime I do a water change I vac every betta's section.
i don't actually know what is causing that, but i had the same problem in some of my betta tanks. i think it may be food related. i ended up just taking the boys out, completely rinsing the gravel and decor and tanks (normally i just change water and vac the gravel). it took about another month or so before it reappeared but went away with a complete clean out.

i'd be curious to know if anyone else has an idea. what type of food (specifically brand) do you feed? just wondering if its maybe food related.......................... :dunno:
Where are you located? What type of water source do you use? Is it a city municipal water supply, or is it well water?
Is it just in his section? I don't know if you have water flow between the dividers or not...
I feed Hikari betta biogold mixed with Wardley betta food, so about half and half. Once a week they get frozen bloodworms.

I don't know much about the water here, it's from the city water supply though.

It is always in all of the sections but this time the middle section (what the picture is of) had the most "stuff" in it. All the glass looks like that though.

Weird thing... I held off on doing a water change yesterday and this morning is a lot clearer :huh: :S . I guess that's a good thing but I still don't get it. No more floaty white pieces -_-

Edit: I also took the whole tank apart about 2 weeks ago like MAM said but that was because of a hair algae problem... aglae is gone at least :thumbs:
Did you change your water conditioner to another brand? Is it just this tank, or all the tanks?
Are the white things moving? I've got some white worm-type things in my snail tank, and Will described the same problem here.
well wen fish eat fish poop and thats whats left :D u could buy a bunch of spong filters, that would clear it all up but it could be a costly investment. -_-
GuppyDude said:
u could buy a bunch of spong filters, that would clear it all up but it could be a costly investment. -_-
Don't know what the white stuff in your tank is - sorry. Wanted to comment, though, that making your own sponge filters is *much* cheaper. Made mine for 97 cents :nod: I already had the UGF tube and the airstone and pump, so all I had to do was buy a sponge. Viola! Sponge filter for 97 cents! :kana:

aka Married Lizard :wub:
yes your could build ur own but not everyone has air pumps and stuff just laying around ( i do thogh ) if u factor in the cost of buying an air stone, air pump, hose and a filter i think buying the filter kit would be a lil bit cheaper. i could be wrong :dunno: it is an interesting idea, builing ur own filter. how do i do that? im sure iv got the maerial juts need the plans -_-

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