I don't believe it!


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2002
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I was just talking to the manager of an LFS (one in a garden centre) he says I should have some discus and angels in my amazon tank and no they wouldn't eat the neons! (He claims to have kept them together for years)

I said well they do in the wild and left it there!

He's either put the angels in with the neons while they were VERY small or been incredibly lucky!

As for keeping discus .... He doesn't know how much fishkeeping experience I've got. He only knows I've been going to the shop occasionally for the past year that he's been keeping it!
well how bout the guy at my lfs,he told me he has 2 24+"oscars that he feeds live rats to and that he also has a 6ft morey eel that lives w/them.oh!! and a 20ft burmese python that he feeds stray cats :hmm:
NOT going back there anytime soon.
Hi all,

I had one bloke in a lfs (not the one I am using) said that you could have a shoal/school?? of male siamese fighting fish.

I'm a novice but I know that's a no-no.
Creamcheeseandlox have a look here, Initals and stuff topic this will show you several abrevations ;)

Tatya, sounds like normal advice from a lfs to me. I've heard that b4. As you say they can live together but the sizes must be right.
Most. What size of tank has this guy
CCAL. You should have said yes please I'll take 20 of them to see if the shop would even crack a smile :laugh:
davy-i believe he said it was a 200gal(could be wrong)but either way c'mon :sly:
Well I'm sure he thinks the Oscars are 20inch, maybe 20cm. The eel is another story. As a 200gal is only about 8x2x2 Some peps think anything to sound smart :laugh:
no sir-he actually said 2ft and then he said they are a lil bigger than 2 floor tiles,which were 12"s a pc
This reminds me of the tales about fisherman and their catches.......you know the one that got away. Someone's telling some whoppers here. I've seen a moray eel at Hull, in their submarium and even a baby is "annoying" huge. The eel was about the length of my arm and this was not magnified by the glass either!!!
Mostanks, I think your lfs is telling porkys or at least being very economical with the truth. 2 foot python, maybe. I've held in my hands a 5 foot python at the fish fair at Doncaster racecourse once, and the weight was enormous. The python was kept in a huge cage with open bars. So I would wonder where a 20' python would be kept. As to the Oscars I would agree with Davy on this one. 20cm maybe, 20"-must have passed through Sellafield-was it glowing green. :laugh: To eat rats-must have a super filter to clean out all that waste. Can you imagine it. The poo coming out must be nearly human sized. The fishes anal vent must have had GM treatment.
i think he just mixed up the letters.
It still reads laughing my a$$ off.
The l is a small L
How do you get those images bside your name?
I was told by a fish shop that I could keep tiger barbs in the same tank as a siamese fighting fish. However he put the tiger barbs in a different travel bag as he thought that the barbs might nip the fighters tail a bit in the bag. But yes they will be perfect together in a tank, next day the fighter was dead!
He also gave us dying guppies, who I said looked a bit peaky but he said they would be fine after a day or two. They died 2 hours later.
Also after initial problems with the tank, we went to him and he tested the water quality. The pH was 9.2 ( I know!)
He said that a community tank's pH should be between 4 and 5. what an eejit! we havent been back there in a while!

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