I Did It!


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
Urbana, IL

so its 10:50 pm

i just went to feed my fish about an hour ago and get them ready for bed. hah
and so b4 i even put anyhting in the tank. one of my african red zebras already had a mouth full! :blink:



oh wow...oh wow...SCORE! this would be my first african with fry. yes!!

thanks on the reply.

should i remove her from the tank? i have a 29g waiting on her if i do. its already cycled. added the malawi salt, same as whats in there 75g. :blink:

but my fish is holding?!!?!?!! :hyper:
oh wow...oh wow...SCORE! this would be my first african with fry. yes!!

thanks on the reply.

should i remove her from the tank? i have a 29g waiting on her if i do. its already cycled. added the malawi salt, same as whats in there 75g. :blink:

but my fish is holding?!!?!?!! :hyper:

its up to you if you want to move her or not ,if you have lots of hiding places in your tank for the fry to hide then you might want to leave her to spit in the tank .But if you want to be sure to keep all of the fry than i would move her to your 29g.
good luck :good:

Its your decision to move or not.. just listen to what he said ^^
oh awesome.

so im prolly gonna drop in the sponge filter in the 29g and moveher then. i would love to keep them all!!
Cool it would be wise to wait 2 weeks before moving her if she dont like it in there or gets too stressed she may spit the eggs which would mean they all die unless you have a hatchery.
wait 2 weeks then move her if she spits then you will have fry swimming happy in your tank good luck
2 weeks. alright i got it. uhm and it looks like i have a yellow lab holding to. i'll get pics here in about 15 min or so

thanks for the help!




there they are!! :D

tried gettin a pic of my one and olny male yellow lab out of the 6 but he was a little camera shy :p
ah ys! i succesfully removed the 2 holding females and now they are living in a 29g untill they hand over there kids.

ahh i was so excited that i moved them without causing too much stress.
ah ys! i succesfully removed the 2 holding females and now they are living in a 29g untill they hand over there kids.

ahh i was so excited that i moved them without causing too much stress.

glad to hear the move went well :good:
Be sure to post some pics of the little ones :D

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