I.d. These Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2008
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Can anyone ID what these are? I believe they are Aiptasia, but want to make sure before painfully trying to remove them. Sorry about the image quality...Still need that new camera..

same my peppermint shrimp didnt do any thing. well if the rock is light and near the top of the tank then heat up a soldering iron and take the rock out the water, and hit the aptasia with the soldering iron. it does smell a bit :sick: at ther size they shouldnt smell that much. or if the rock is big and heavy then buy some joes juice im getting some of that soon. people have said it is very good. you can get it from here http://www.coralculture.co.uk/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=joes+juice&osCsid=bo31qglgoeuid2gejl56u8m5h7 it also has lots of info on that site :good: also you can get it from ebay
same my peppermint shrimp didnt do any thing. well if the rock is light and near the top of the tank then heat up a soldering iron and take the rock out the water, and hit the aptasia with the soldering iron. it does smell a bit :sick: at ther size they shouldnt smell that much. or if the rock is big and heavy then buy some joes juice im getting some of that soon. people have said it is very good. you can get it from here http://www.coralculture.co.uk/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=joes+juice&osCsid=bo31qglgoeuid2gejl56u8m5h7 it also has lots of info on that site :good: also you can get it from ebay

Yah this tank is for my reef lobster I took out of my main tank, and well, the shrimp had a good fight for about 5 minutes... A $12 snack for the lobster. Can I just pull it out with a tweezers as opposed to getting a product and trying to inject it into a 1/16" area? Or will I risk spreading the anenome more?
I use joe's juice. Just turn your powerheads off and use a little bit on the oral disc. They'll be gone in 5-10 mins, turn the powerheads back on and good to go!
Don't try to remove it with tweezers, You'll just remove part of it, and it will regenerate, and possibly spread, and it will also withdraw into a little crack or hole in the rock, and essentially you'll do little to no damage to it, and you'll possibly help it spread.

As seffie would say, get a soldering iron, and burn the little :devil: !
Don't try to remove it with tweezers, You'll just remove part of it, and it will regenerate, and possibly spread, and it will also withdraw into a little crack or hole in the rock, and essentially you'll do little to no damage to it, and you'll possibly help it spread.

As seffie would say, get a soldering iron, and burn the little :devil: !

Im not even sure I can get my hands on a soldering iron... So, I just lift the rock out and push the iron on any where I think there's an aptasia? What about whatever is left after buring, will it just decompose?
well when you take the rock out the aptasia gos in a bit but you can see its head sticking out. just hit it and it will go in its hole. i dont know if it dones decompose? it might but it shouldnt afected your water if it dones.
well when you take the rock out the aptasia gos in a bit but you can see its head sticking out. just hit it and it will go in its hole. i dont know if it dones decompose? it might but it shouldnt afected your water if it dones.

They are spreadin like wildfire in my 10 gal tank, I am not messing around. I have Joe's Juice on its way to my door. Hopefully it'll take them all out.. Thanks everyone..
just be careful not to squirt too much juice on them, or do it in stages if you have alot of them. I forget what the main ingrediment in joe's juice is, but it could change params in such a small tank (pH fluctuation maybe)
just be careful not to squirt too much juice on them, or do it in stages if you have alot of them. I forget what the main ingrediment in joe's juice is, but it could change params in such a small tank (pH fluctuation maybe)

I also have various types of mushrooms in the tank, what is the effect on them? I obviously do not want them to be effected...
no it will not effect them unless you put too much juice in and then the ph may fluctuat

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