I.d Please, Really Baffled.


New Member
Sep 24, 2008
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Hi there, I have had a rearrange in my tank, and on the back side of my LR in a crevice I notice something strange. When I got closer for a better look, what seemed like its mouth closed and it turned away. Anyone have any idea what this might be? It is the thing under the flash light with the bright red spot on it, with what looks like a mouth open.



It looks like just an oddly shaped rock... with a coral on it. o_o
Is that it's back there in the picture?
Amazing the crazy things that you can find in your aquariums, even after months and months.
with a blunt, smooth stick o_o or perhaps just a finger? (gloved finger?)
Don't want to stab the poor thing.
The thing I'm looking at in the pic looks so much like like a toothless T.rex head with coralline algae growing on it's eye, that I just had to post :D.

Really though, I think it's a little clam (or mussel), as they often come in on live rock.

edit: From the angle of the new pic, it looks different. Time for one of the marine guys to post now :).
Strangely enough, it does look like a T-Rex's head, its mad. But you think maybe a muscle or clam then? Well thats something to start with. My head hurts with all the scratching, :no:

Thanx m8.
Got this pic aswell, ca't get a good pic of it.


In the abscence of a clear pic, it might be worth googling Glass or Aptasia anenomies and tube worms. These are the two creatures that imediately strike me as being obvious candidates.

The Glass anenomies are coral and livestock stingers that multiply like rabbits. Don't attempt manual removal, as this won't work. You need to get a predator (like the harmless true pepermint shrimp or the coral munching copperband butterfly) or you have to inject it with any acidic or nutral solution to kill it off on the spot, via hyperdermic needle :shifty: . Removing it by pulling will leave a segment of foot that it will re-grow from :sad:

Tubeworms are a harmless and a quite pretty to look at filter feeder, so if that's what it is, I'd move it to somewhere more visable with reasonable flow.

If neither are what you have, keep trying with the camera ;)

All the best
Thanx guys for your replies. I think you might be right Ski. :good: Just been on another forum I use and they seem to think it might be a clam or a musel. Besides just sitting there, do they do anything? You will have to forgive my stupidity, but I don't know anything about clams or mussels.


OK, excuse my blindness :shifty: Where am I looking to see this clam that two other people can see but that I can't? :sad:

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