I Couldn't Help It..


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2005
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Well I couldn't resist it and have delved into the world for fire bellied newts. From what I can tell, I have the chinese variety although as I read even more about these fascinating creatures I get slightly different or more information that may help discern exactly the species I have. If there is one thing: their personalities are amazing!
Well I couldn't resist it and have delved into the world for fire bellied newts. From what I can tell, I have the chinese variety although as I read even more about these fascinating creatures I get slightly different or more information that may help discern exactly the species I have. If there is one thing: their personalities are amazing!

Gorgeous, aren't they? My five are a lot of fun.

What's your set up like?
Used the old 20 gallon tank for a group of 4, I believe its 3 females and one male, but it might be a 2/2 split as one may just be a bit older. Currently have a turtle dock and two lillies for them to be out of the water as well. I was going to go down a land/water route but decided against it to have some filtration going.

I've read a few places that mist makers are quite good for creating atmosphere and I have to admit I quite like the effect of them. Anyone's opinions on these would bve fab :)
If you post a picture we can tell you what variety they are :).

I bexcame a member of caudita.org and using the details there have discerned they are definately chinese fire belly newts :) will post a picture of the lastest family members tonight :)

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