I Could Use Some Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2007
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hi all
im a beggining saltwater keeper and i need to know if a 20 gal tank with eclipse 2 filter a=nd lighting be ok?
and it is a 20 gal high tank

o ya i have a nother Q
Ive been reading around about live rok and im good but how much do u use?
is it a pound per gal?
Patience :good: .
I don't keep marines, but for it to be judged OK or now, you need to specify the exact specs of the lighting and the flowrate of the filter.
However, I personally would not use a biological filter in a marine tank other than the live rock, and you will probably have to get a powerhead anyway since the filter wont provide enough water circulation for the tank.

You also need to say what your going to keep, is it fish-only, or do you intend on keeping corals? What type of corals?
I doubt that your tank comes with adequate lighting, but if it's a fish only tank with live rock, you could be OK.
Patience :good: .
I don't keep marines, but for it to be judged OK or now, you need to specify the exact specs of the lighting and the flowrate of the filter.
However, I personally would not use a biological filter in a marine tank other than the live rock, and you will probably have to get a powerhead anyway since the filter wont provide enough water circulation for the tank.

You also need to say what your going to keep, is it fish-only, or do you intend on keeping corals? What type of corals?
I doubt that your tank comes with adequate lighting, but if it's a fish only tank with live rock, you could be OK.

i goto better 10000 coral life bulbs, power filter, and lunar lites, argonite,

o ya and can i get rid of the bio wheel and instead put some carbon in ther?
hi all
im a beggining saltwater keeper and i need to know if a 20 gal tank with eclipse 2 filter a=nd lighting be ok?
and it is a 20 gal high tank

o ya i have a nother Q
Ive been reading around about live rok and im good but how much do u use?
is it a pound per gal?
Hello fishytank- Well I'm still a newbie myself, but to help with your live rock question, the so called rule of thumb seems to be 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per gallon as a starting point. Then I've been told and read that the heavier ( less porous ) the rock, the more you may need. The more porous the rock, the more nooks and crannies for our biological friends! Many people seem to feel the more rock the better :D I hope this helps. :)
I agree with all the comments posted here. However you don't always need a pound of rock per gallon, especially if you have a big swimmer (such as a Batfish) that needs the extra room. Also I would really recommend you, FishyTank, to get a larger tank for your first marine system; somewhere in the neighbourhood of 40-50 gallons. Lastly, remember that marine keeping is a world away from freshwater keeping (and about that much better than freshwater as well ;) ) and a whole new repertoire of knowledge will be needed for any freshwater keeper to be truly sucessful at marine keeping.

Agree with Lynden and everyone else. Just to clarify since I dont see anyone who addressed your lighting question; Normal Output flourescents are fine for fish-only tanks. If you want to start keeping corals or light-requiring invertebrates, you'll need to upgrade :)
Agree with Lynden and everyone else. Just to clarify since I dont see anyone who addressed your lighting question; Normal Output flourescents are fine for fish-only tanks. If you want to start keeping corals or light-requiring invertebrates, you'll need to upgrade :)
what do u mean by upgrade?
and what is the best type of moonlights and protien skimmer(i have aTurboflotor Skimmers model 5000 Shorty )
Moonlights... Whatever you can find really. Some LEDs, cold cathodes, whatever. Dont have to spend a billion dollars on moonlights ;)

As for lighting "upgrades" I mean changing to something like Power Compact (PC), T5 high output flourescents, Metal Halide (MH), or if you're made of money, LED lighting :). How difficult or involved the upgrade is depends entirely on where you're starting from, if you want/have a hood, tons of other topics.
hey guys
thanx 4 the hel but now i have a new question
i am also setting upa 20 gal "nano reef"
so i want it to have polyps
i usually get all my stuff from liveaquaria.com and its sister sites
they have 3 coral starter packs and i waawondering what was the best
4 beginners
Nano Mushroom Pack N
ano Polyp Pack
Nano Soft Coral Pack
They're all pretty easy and similar to care for. Low to moderate lighting and moderate flow. I'd say pick on personal tastes :)

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