I Can't Decide


New Member
Apr 21, 2013
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The rainy but beautiful Pacific Northwest
I want to get an eel like fish that likes to burrow into my substrate I am looking at three choices: Dojo loach, Kuhli loach, or a peacock eel (I know eels get big)I'm still on the fence about the eel and I have heard that Kuhli's spend a lot of time hiding. What do you guys think? This is what I have in my tank so far, it is also heavily planted with java fern.
You seem to be to be pretty stocked up but I have a dojo loach and I love him. He is very active and its fun to watch him. I have heard that they need a larger tank and they do get to be 6 inches but mine is in a 29g and does just fine.
Tanks not big enough for for either the Weather Loach (dojo) or the Eel so kinda limits your choices... would have said Horse Faced Loach but again, get too big...
Khuli Loaches are great fun with their pretty stripes though! You could have a nice sized group of them!
MBOU said:
Tanks not big enough for for either the Weather Loach (dojo) or the Eel so kinda limits your choices... would have said Horse Faced Loach but again, get too big...
Khuli Loaches are great fun with their pretty stripes though! You could have a nice sized group of them!
+ 1
6 kuhlis and 3 more peppered cories ( they like groups as well ) woudl make your tank heavily stocked. Tbh I woudl choose one group or the other and give them a school of 6. :)
Decisions, decisions, personally I woudl go for the loaches. Just because if I was you I'd like a change!
Hmmm, a change from the usual corys does sound like a good idea. But I think I would have to remove a few of the other fishes in order to make up for my stocking levels. I have the two peppered corys which I could take back to the store, that would leave me with 9 rummies, 4 platys, and 2 blue rams.

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