I Can't Believe They Have A Community Of People Who Fight Bettas

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Fish Crazy
May 4, 2011
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While searching google, I stumbled upon a betta fighting forum. I began to read some threads they had about fighting, the damages bettas took and training your betta.

They talk about how great there fighter was for taking an eye out and one of the training actually requires you to put your betta inside and spin the bucket water so that if the betta don't want to get spun to death he has to swim the opposite through the current. This community of website makes me sick.
#19###s. Naturally I'm completely opposed to any form of animal exploitation (including experimentation); but unfortunately that is the way of the world: things like this have happened countless times throughout human history (eg. Medieval bear baiting, matadors in Ancient Crete/modern Spain, Amphitheatrical games in Rome etc).

Hopefully they will be exposed to the WWF or NSPCA or whatever organisation is powerful enough to close whatever websites.

Mod's Note: Please watch your language! This is a family forum.
#19###s. Naturally I'm completely opposed to any form of animal exploitation (including experimentation); but unfortunately that is the way of the world: things like this have happened countless times throughout human history (eg. Medieval bear baiting, matadors in Ancient Crete/modern Spain, Amphitheatrical games in Rome etc).

Hopefully they will be exposed to the WWF or NSPCA or whatever organisation is powerful enough to close whatever websites.
I hear you Mr. Melt, that is the cold hard truth whether we like it or not =(
there are some very sick individuals out there :angry: :angry: :no:
+1! I mean, i don't mind that guy who goes out and hunts for crazy, dangerous fish and fights them (called River Monsters i think?) but those species have reason to be killed. they are a threat to the human population. all that bettas do is sit in tiny bowls at the fish store all day and they are no threat. WHY WOULD ANYBODY FIGHT BETTAS? it should be just as illegal as dogfighting or cockfighting.
+1! I mean, i don't mind that guy who goes out and hunts for crazy, dangerous fish and fights them (called River Monsters i think?) but those species have reason to be killed. they are a threat to the human population. all that bettas do is sit in tiny bowls at the fish store all day and they are no threat. WHY WOULD ANYBODY FIGHT BETTAS? it should be just as illegal as dogfighting or cockfighting.

Well lets see River Monsters only tries to really see if he can catch those monsters and he almost always releases them and tries to prove that they aren't the monsters people make them out to be.

And it is as illegal as dog fighting and cockfighting but if you look at the site the only countries that admit that it is fine don't have laws against those sort of things (I lived in Thailand and Vietnam so saw a lot more then you would think)

No I am not defending these people because I think it is sick since most of the training is males chasing/killing females or weaker males as well as tons of stress on fish but in all reality even with the laws it is still going to happen just like there is no law till police come in and people don't think fish have feeling like other animals the best example sadly is if you look at the conjoined fish area most people will see them as lower then other animals when they really aren't
fighting bettas are legal in thai even here in the philippines.. they're not going to be exposed in wwf because they breed their own fighters and not just catching them from the wild.
We've had enough name calling on this thread already. You might as well accept the fact that there are quite a few betta fighters in the world. It's just the way it is.

I will close this thread now.
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