I Came Home And Found Something In My Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
When I got home today, I found 2 new fish in my tank. 2 cobalt blue Discus!! My other half had been out and bought them!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! She has wanted some for years now, I told her no but she bought them anyway. I know nothing about looking after them. She wont let me take them back to the LFS. I think I need some help and advise please
What is the Ph of the tank and do you know if they are tank bred or wild etc? What kind of store did they come from like would the store have kept them in soft water? And what temperature is the tank at? If its the 350 in your signature it will make a really nice discus tank IMO good size for them. Not kept them my self but I have read a bit and hope to help till a discus keeper pops along.

them stats aren't too bad for discus, they should do well in there, if you don't want them though get rid, if they don't get on one will bully the other, commonly to death, as i experienced a while back! you would need a bigger group, which isn't really good if you don't like them in the first place.
they have to be tank bred as cobalt blue is a man made colour variety. as long as you have a good water change routine and your ph is stable at 6.4 and the temp stays up at around 29 celsius it should be good.

them stats aren't too bad for discus, they should do well in there, if you don't want them though get rid, if they don't get on one will bully the other, commonly to death, as i experienced a while back! you would need a bigger group, which isn't really good if you don't like them in the first place.
they have to be tank bred as cobalt blue is a man made colour variety. as long as you have a good water change routine and your ph is stable at 6.4 and the temp stays up at around 29 celsius it should be good.


Its not that I don't like them, Its the looking after them that is my concern. The setup I have now did have discus in it for a few years. I know the tank, Filters etc are ok. Ive read somewhere that you need to do a 50% water change every 2nd day. I only do about 25% every week
I've kept discus a couple of times and found that they are not as fragile as a lot of people say

They can be frustrating though as the pecking order and bullying can lead to the weakest individual not feeding

the water stats look good, they would certainly benefit from about 4 more at least preferring company and to reduce the chances of one individual being bullied

I personally did one larger change a week and mine were fine and even spawned .

I would avoid big or aggressive tank mates,For example I once had a pair of Uaru with mine which were very bolshy and the discus seemed to shrink away from them however tetras etc are fine with them I ven kept a black ghost knife with mine and they were fine with him as he wasn;t aggressive

Good luck but you need to decide between getting rid or getting more :good:
Tank bred Discus are as easy to keep as any other cichlid there size imo.
Tank bred Discus are as easy to keep as any other cichlid there size imo.

I like that comment. Its made me alot happier. Ive read somewhere it is possible to keep the with severums, Is this correct??

I;d personally say no for the same reason i had a problem with my discus Uarus. The Uarus put my discus off food in my opinion and as they can sometimes be fussy characters the last thing you want to do is put them off food1!
I know this is an old topic but I thought I would put an end to the story. I ended up selling all of my fish apart from a few of my cat fish. It is now a Discus setup with only Discus. I started with 2 but one died. I now have 9 in my main tank and have done for a few months now. All are fine. Im well chuffed as its something Ive wanted for a few years. I do 3 40% water changes every week and thats it.





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