I Bought Me A Snake Today

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I bough him today to help someone out. And I noticed he wasnt being fed right I could see the snakes bones or what ever it was. Oh and before I forget it was a Boa. I sent my neighbor to the pet store to get a mouse to feed him. And the mouse didnt last a minute until the snake had it murdered. I got so mad at the snake I sold it to my neighbor for killing the mouse. I dont know what I was thinking when I got the snake I new it had to eat but I thought I could feed it something else besides mice. I am so ashamed of my self for killing that little mouse I wont be able to sleep tonite for thinking abou that mouse. I though I would share my horrible story with you all today... :no: :no: :no: :( :angry: :no: :(
Boas are cool.
If I had the chance I might get one.
Having it eat a mice is just the cycle of life.
How do you think it lives in the wild?
It was probably best that you re-homed the boa. They can grow to be rather large, and potentially aggressive, making them a dangerous pet for someone with a houseful of cats and ferrets. And, if you can not commit to breeding and culling your own prey animals for it, you surely can not provide the level of care it needs. Most responsible herp owners will (or at least should) breed thier own feeder animals for their snake, to ensure that they are parasite free and of the maximum nutritional value. And NO responsible herp owner feeds live and unstunned, as rodents can severely wound and kill your snake. I realize in the wild they fair fine, but in the wild, the animals also are not confined and forced to fight to the death; its more of a hit-or-miss kind of system. So most of them have to kill or stun the mice/rats/rabbits/chickens before feeding... which can be ugly (I've had to do it before....)
In short, what I'm saying is, it takes a real reptile enthusiast to own a snake. You have a wonderful compassionate heart, but it is so compassionate that I don't think you'd be able to kill one animal to feed another with a clear conscience, which is fine. After all, snakes are wild animals who don't belong in captivity, so keeping them here has created a market for feeder animals that really shouldn't have had to exist to begin with.
In the future, avoid impulse-buying reptiles. It promotes trades who mass sell them to a public that often does not know about their proper care. Most people do not have what it takes to care for a large constrictor, yet these stores selling them to not care about that one iota. As a result, people and domestic pets have been harmed and killed by constrictors, but more often, the constrictors themselves end up hurt: neglected, abandoned, or let loose to suffer whatever fate awaits them. You hear plenty about the crisis of homeless dogs and cats, yet never a word about the thousands of reptiles who are displaced across the US. It is truly tragic.
In this case, you did the right thing by the snake to the best of your abilities. Sounds like he was being neglected, but hopefully now he is with a herp-knowledgeable owner who will get him into a good state of health. Thanks for looking out for him, and I hope you feel better about the little mouse soon.
That's a terrible story. But good for you for rehoming him. I wouldn't have been able to feed him a mouse either. I know they can get frozen chickens sometimes. But I'm not all that knoweladgable about snakes.
I am glad I sold it to my neighbor, he didnt have any trouble at all feeding the mouse to the snake, The snake ate two before he got full. Poor thing, I felt so sorry for both of them,.I didn want to kill the mouse and then again I didnt want to see the snake starve..
I always used to feed mine frozen mice, infact i think its illegal to feed live mice over here :/ I wouldn't have advised feeding a pet shop mouse to him either as you have to be careful they dont have diseases or anything.

But i think you did the right thing by giving him to your neighbour.. And dont feel too bad about the mouse, its not nice seeing it killed but its the same as what one of your cats would have done to a wild one, and probably more humane as the snake (hopefully) would have killed it quickly! :) But id stay away from the reptiles in future if i were you :lol:
it is indeed illegal to feed live mice to snakes here in the UK.
at work we sell
pinkies, fuzzies, mice, adult mice and monster mice[mice that have growth hormones added into thier diet] (all frozen) for customers that keep snakes.
we also sell rat pups, small rats, rats and gerbils (again all frozen)

it all depends on what the snake has been brought up with, a snake that has a taste for rats won't touch mice and vice versa.
I had a snake who would only eat white mice.. If they even had a tiny bit of black/brown on them she wouldn't touch them :rolleyes: Luckily the pet shop i got my mice from knew that so they'd take out the white ones just for me! :D
One of my snakes is scared of rat pups, I tried them on her when she needed 3 mice to satisfy her hunger, but she was petrified - being in the uk they were of course dead and defrosted, I must admit if I had to give live food (which I know is illegal here - unless you can prove the animal will die without it) it would have put me off getting the snakes, I love my snakes but the most I can do live food wise, is crickets for my tarantula and shrimps for my fish. I'm glad the snake has a better home than the pet shop it was in, and I'm sorry you were upset; did they not have frozen mice at your pet shop?
And the mouse didnt last a minute until the snake had it murdered. I got so mad at the snake I sold it to my neighbor for killing the mouse. I dont know what I was thinking when I got the snake I new it had to eat but I thought I could feed it something else besides mice. I am so ashamed of my self for killing that little mouse I wont be able to sleep tonite for thinking abou that mouse. I though I would share my horrible story with you all today... :no: :no: :no: :( :angry: :no: :(


Id feel sorry for the mouse too but Id like to see that. I found a snake outside my mates house, was just a little thing but well scary. :look: How can they eat the things they do whole though. :S

Eat him mitch, eat him. Unleash the fury!!! :lol:
Trust me you wouldnt have wanted to see it either, It was over for the mouse as soon as it moved,The snake rapped around the mouse and the mouse was dead in a matter of seconds, Its little eyeballs popped out before it died. Now why would you want to see something like that for,
, Its little eyeballs popped out before it died.

That, along with the fact that leaving a live rodent in with your snake unattended can be dangerous for the snake, is why I only feed mine frozen mice. Eek. He's violent enough when he grabs those (there was a pinkie-neck-tearing-incident that made me glad it hadn't been alive.................). (Okay, so the fact that if I kept live feeder mice around I'd end up thinking of how cute they all are and wind up with new pets....)

Snakes, if you know what you're doing, can be great pets (my snake is so much cleaner and easier to care for than my lizards, if I'd known that, I'd have started with the snake). But you have to be prepared for all that goes along with their care, like with any reptile (some folks can't handle the whole live insect feeding regime either), and be able to provide that proper care. Like others said, its for the best that you found the snake a good home, even if it wasn't yours.
Ok I have to ask this now. I dont even think you can buy them frozen here. But dont they have to kill them in the first place.
Besides online sources, Petco and most pet shops that carry reptiles will have frozen for sale. Petsmarts do not as far as I know.
The snake rapped around the mouse and the mouse was dead in a matter of seconds, Its little eyeballs popped out before it died. Now why would you want to see something like that for,

mmm I wouldnt particularly want to see that, didnt think it would squash it. :no: I thought it just pounced and swoalled it whole? Gone? Maybe been watching too many films...

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