thanks for the info binky. (i'm posting for bettabub right now, since he doesn't always have time to post)
we'll probably only get him one hiding spot. well, the little guy wasn't eating the hopper mouse we had got him, and it had been just over a week since he last ate. i noticed a black thing on him that was kinda where his underside looked like a swollen black scale or something.
so we went to a pet store that has a REALLY nice lady working (not where we got the snake) to ask 2 questions.....why wasn't the snake eating and what the heck that black scale lookin thing was.
so we get there and she goes on about how his skin is loose, basically because he doesn't have enough muscle, and isn't as fat as he should be...then she goes on saying how weak he is, by hardling gripping her when she was holding him, and hardly moving (which i think he was being stubborn, cuz he wiggled all the way there in the car!)....but then she examined the black dot, and come to find out, it was a TICK! she said something along the lines of "and this is kinda a big tick for such a little's probably whats making him so tired-like.". then about him not eating, she said that the live hopper mouse, that the store we bought him from told us he would eat, was too big for him, and thats why he refused to eat she sold us a tiny frozen pinky mouse to try...she said if that didn't work, to come back and get a tiny live black mouse.
i'm ashamed at the store we bought this little guy from.....i just soo want to go back there and tell them, that the snacks they're selling could have ticks! but bettabub don't wanna go back there....he officially don't like that place.
hopefully the little guy recovers nicely, and starts showin some attitude or something.