I Am Worried About My Betta

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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Worried about betta because he has a lump on his neck area and don't know what it is. Should I take him out of the divided tank and put him in an empty 3 gallon. It has gotten larger since yesterday but he ate this morning and is swimming around fine. Here is a picture.
Are you sure someone just over fed him while you weren't there and he has just gotten fat or is bloated?
My eyes are not the best but it looks like a lump to me.
No he was not overfed, I am the only one who feeds the fish. Should I take him out and put him in the 3 gallon. Can it be spread to my other betta I have in the 10 gallon???
Just been researching and it says if it came up really quick probably not a tumour, but if it is slowly getting bigger probably is. If he is happy and eating I would just give him TLC, sorry but it doesnt look too good.
Perhaps someone else can come up with an idea.
I just took him out of 10 gallon and put him in 3 gallon. He is still active and eating, but for 1 or 2 days i won't feed him and see what happens.
I would put him on his own, just to make sure it dosn't burst, as then the other fish could be at risk.

Does it look like a lump to you, also can you feel the lump to see if it feels hard or though it filled with liquid.
Tomorrow morning I will check on him and see if it is bigger or not and then feel the lump. Don't want to stress him out anymore, he was wondering why I put him in the other tank and was a little freaked.

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