I Am Very Confused


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
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I have been cycling my tank for almost 16 days now. Yesterday it was the first time to see the nitrite

The results were
Ammonia 0 - added up to 4-5 again
Ph was 7.0
Nitrite 1

The results are
Ammonia 0
Ph 7.0
Nitrite 0

Can the nitrite disappeared within 24 hours after its first spike?
Well it has so yes :p just keep adding your ammonia and dont worry about gliches.
Keep adding ammonia and you should see it come back up again. It has possibly been processed by bacteria.
Keep adding ammonia and you should see it come back up again. It has possibly been processed by bacteria.

This is weird or is the way it supposed to be? After adding ammonia waited for two hours and checked again
Ammonia 3-4
Ph 7
Nitrite 1

I was waiting for the nitrite to appear and stay in my tank at least for 4 days. Am I putting too less ammonia? At first I was adding to be about 5-6 and then I dropped to 4-5 according to the articles online. But it seems the ammonia is not enough to keep nitrite for a while in my tank then.
This isn't the first time nitrite has been present in your tank though. In a previous thread you said about nitrite tests turning clear/green, which meant the nitrite was so high the test couldn't measure it.

Now your nitrite has dropped to a readable level. So this should be the end of your nitrite spike, rather than the beginning.
This isn't the first time nitrite has been present in your tank though. In a previous thread you said about nitrite tests turning clear/green, which meant the nitrite was so high the test couldn't measure it.

Now your nitrite has dropped to a readable level. So this should be the end of your nitrite spike, rather than the beginning.

Okay now I understand. Does this mean the cycling process is almost over. How long should I keep looking for this

today results are the same
Ammonia 0
ph 7
nitrite 0

After I added ammonia and check again after two hours
ammonia 3-4
nitrite 1 again
sounds like you are close. Just to make sure, the zero reading on the nitrite is the pale blue yes?

when you get to zero ammonia and zero nitrite within 12 hours of adding the ammonia, you are good to go.

(Don't forget to do a large water change before adding the fish, to remove nitrate that has been building during your cycle)
If your ammonia and nitrite are both being processed in less than 12 hours, your cycled.

It's just a waiting game. :good:

edit: sorry Littlest, didn't see your last post there. :blush:
sounds like you are close. Just to make sure, the zero reading on the nitrite is the pale blue yes?

when you get to zero ammonia and zero nitrite within 12 hours of adding the ammonia, you are good to go.

(Don't forget to do a large water change before adding the fish, to remove nitrate that has been building during your cycle)

Yes, now I get either pale blue or purple color. It is hard to read this test kit but if I use the color code right is the purple that btn .5 and 1.
I will check after 12 hours and see because for the past 2 days I have been checking this after 24 hours and 2 hours after I add ammonia.
Results after 12 hours

Ammonia 0
Ph 7
Nitrite 0

I just add ammonia and I will check after 12 hours to confirm this.

But now If I check tonight and find it is 0 again should I add ammonia again ? And if I don't get my fish tomorrow as I wasn't prepare for the fish tank to full cycle by this weekend. Should I keep adding the ammonia? But what hold me is the stocking options for now.

I had been reading and searching what fish I would love best to keep and these are what some people came up with. Now I have these final three options. If I choose any of these groups will I be okay? My tank is 30 gallon long, canistter filter Rena Xp1, 2x 100 watts heater, Ph 7, Regular fine/medium gravel. I know with cichlids I will have to add caves and rocks

option one

2 Yellow or rainbow peacock Cichlids
1 BN Pleco
1 Emerald Green
3 Panda Corydoras

option two
3 Panda Corydoras
3 Kuhli Loaches
6 Black neon Tetra

Option three
3 Blue kenyi Cichlid
6 Tiger barbs
1 BN Pleco
Result after checking three times it went down to 0. I think it is done..well I didn't go to get the fish today because I wanted to be sure.
ph 7
high level of ph 7.4
Nitrite 0
ammonia 0
I always think it's good to wait an extra week just to be sure (adding ammonia every 12 hours).

When you do get the fish, make sure you do a large water change (maybe 90 per cent) to remove nitrates which have been building up while you've been cycling.

I don't know about cichlids so won't comment on that

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