I Am Still Waiting

I have used both a 24" long 15G and a 17" long 10G for spawning tanks. In both cases, the females came out with minimal damage. Previously, I was using smaller 5G tanks for spawning. Females (and males too seemed to be in pretty bad shape after).

The 10G will probably become my standard sized spawning tank. Am getting a few more.

One reason that I think I find larger tanks useful is that I don't micro manage my spawns. Mom stays in for 48 hours, dad for 96 hours... I don't check for eggs or watch them wrap.... so I need room for the female to hide when their done.

But have seen people spanw betta's in small 12x6x8 tanks!!! (2.5G)... though the number of fry produced tended to be small.

Finaly, I have changed the tank to a bigger one, and i put the male in the tank and the female in a vase, with a temp 27, half styrofoam cup and lots of plants, but the problem is that the BUBBLENEST was destroyed.

So now I will leve them for mre than 48 hours, and after I will release the female.
Sounds like you're on the right track now Marwan, good luck to you! Unless one or both of the fish are extremely beaten up and need to be removed for their safety, it's usually alright to leave the pair together for two nights (or even more, if they are particularly gentle). Just give them time :)
Sounds like you're on the right track now Marwan, good luck to you! Unless one or both of the fish are extremely beaten up and need to be removed for their safety, it's usually alright to leave the pair together for two nights (or even more, if they are particularly gentle). Just give them time :)

thankyou, now they are doning good, the male builded the bubblenest, I think I am going to leve the female in the vase for another 48 hours.
Good luck with your spawn! What tail type/color are the Mom and Dad? We'd love to see pics ;)

Just make sure the conditions are perfect in the tank, it's clean, half (or around 4") full, and the female has lots of thick plants to hide in. You could run to Petsmart and pick up Blackwater Extract, it replicates a natural Betta environment and almost always puts them in the mood :hey:... other than that, just be patient and watch them carefully.
I don't know if you will like the method I use, and am a newbie as far "successful" as breeding is concerned.

I put mom and dad in at the same time... with the female in a clear contianer, so that dad cannot get to her. After 24 hours, if dad builds a nest, I realease her, but in a part of the tank where the male can't see her.

I than leave them for two days and keep my fingers crossed.

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